Saturday, June 28, 2008

Just to Clarify

Today one of my friends called into question my belief that child rapists should be put to death, on the point of my father.

My real father is a convicted child rapist and drug dealer and attempted murderer.

We were discussing his father (who is a racist and not exactly a nice person) and this is what we discussed:

Sarai says:
I can already tell that i don't like your dad
Yog says:
Welcome to the club.
Yog says:
He'll be dead in a couple of months.
Yog says:
So no worries.
Sarai says:
How can you do that?
Sarai says:
Please, tell me your secret
Sarai says:
cause I can't do it
Sarai says:
I can't be like that
Yog says:
Like what?
Sarai says:
Just "oh, he'll be dead in a few months, so it doesn't matter."
Yog says:
He will be.
Sarai says:
I know, but you say it like he is chopped liver or something
Yog says:
He's a racist, an asshole, and was a pretty piss-poor father.
Sarai says:
Yeah well we won't go into all the things my fathers are, but I still love them and for some unknown reason care about them
Yog says:
If that rapist bastard of a father you have suddenly developed cancer and had months to live, I don't think it would phase me. Sorry.
Sarai says:
I can't do it.
Sarai says:
I want my father
Sarai says:
thats the way i am
Yog says:
Very strange.
Yog says:
You talk about wanting justice for rapists but it doesn't seem to apply to your own father.
Sarai says:
No, it applies to my father as well
Sarai says:
But it doesn't mean that I would not mourn his death
Sarai says:
He would get what he deserved
Sarai says:
But i would still be sad for him
Sarai says:
My father is not above the law. I do believe in the death penalty in those cases Yog. i'm not biased that my father should live when I say that others should die
Sarai says:
he deserves the death penalty as well as anyone else who rapes a child

Now, whilst it may sound heartless for me to say that mine own kin should die, I stand firm in my belief that it is wrong to rape/molest a child or anyone else.

I do love my Father. We haven't spoken in almost 7 years, but I never stopped caring for this man who contributed the other half of my DNA. My father has done a lot of bad things. And I believe in Justice, I believe in getting Justice for those of us who survived and for those of us who didn't. So while it may sound heartless, it is how I feel and where I stand.

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