Thursday, June 5, 2008

28 What If’s...

Finish The Line...

1. If I had a dime for every... time Fawny said she loved Rose.

2. If I could catch a star I'd... give it to my mom.

3. If you saw me cry you'd... probably think I was a blubbering idiot

4. If you could read my eyes they'd tell you... what is really happening inside this heart/mind/soul

5. If I could go back 5 years I would... Leave myself a note saying "Stephen is a bad idea!"

6. If you saw me walking... you'd think I was slow and needed more excercise

7. If I could fly, I'd fly to... Japan, Yoshiki is there right now. I want to share a slurpee...

8. If I had a black cat cross in front of me, I'd... Call to it and if it comes to me, i'd pet it

9. If I could live in the Big Apple I'd... Try out for Broadway

10. If I had to leave my soulmate I'd... commit suicide.

11. If I could be a movie star I'd be... a happy girl

12. If a did a trick it would be... carrying an unopened can of coke on my head while circling a table reciting my ABC's backwards

13. If I had half a million I'd... get those books I've been wanting

14. If I only could pick 6 things in the house to have for 1 year,it would be... My computer, a book, a cup, a plate, paper and a pencil

15. If I really could have a dream come true it would be... to lose weight

16. If Hilary is elected president... I'm moving to Canada

17. If the drinking age was lowered... It wouldn't change what i do now...

18. If aliens really do exist... I'll give my brother a piggyback ride to mars

19. If school wasn't required... It wouldn't matter cause i'm out of high school

20. If takes over I'll cry

21. If I am what I eat... I'm fishsticks and cheese right now

22. If I am rubber and you are glue... We can make something really cool!

23. If I ruled the world... everyone would hate me

24. If dogs are a man's best friend... then horses are a woman's

25. If time heals all wounds... time is a slow bitch

26. If I won the lottery... I'd buy a car

27. If actions speak louder than words... then no wonder I can't hear you

28. If I died today... I'd wake in hell tomorrow

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