Sunday, June 8, 2008

Getting Kicked in the Balls (A request for prayer)

I won't mention names, because i doubt this person wants anyone to know all the details yet.
But i found out today that a good friend of Fawny and I has become very ill and three herniated discs in his back. The man is a workaholic and I'm afraid (i think fawn shares my feeling) that he won't slow down enough to take care of himself. He cares to much about pleasing people and these people don't even deserve to be around him!
These people are bitching about the stuff He hasn't done for them. They are always grabbing and wanting more of him than their fair share. All they care about is that they get what they want, and they don't care about how much it hurts him or if He dies trying to please them.

Please, I don't care what God or gods you may pray to or ask for help. I just want him to get better. Because I care very much for Him and I want him to get well and stay well!!
No word yet as to how ill he is, but Please! PRAY!! Pray for him and pray for me and Fawn.

Isn't that just like Life? She waits until you are already down and then kicks you in the balls.

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