Sunday, June 1, 2008

Laundry and how Good I am at it... Not

Okay, so currently we have no washing machine or dryer. So I have to wash my own clothes in the bathtub... Not so fun, but you know what? i have learned how to be self-relient and now if I ever get married and our washing machine and dryer break down, I can wash them by HAND!!! *jumps for joy*

I am especially proud of myself today because I got alot more washed then i normally am able to do (my hands being a mess recently kinda hindered the washing of clean clothing.) I was able to wash a pair of jeans (those are HARD to wash by hand and i'm not strong enough to wring them out all the way...), 4 shirts (W00T!), 4 pairs of undies (yes, i know you didn't want to know, but this is all part of you being subscribed to my blog. you are pretty much subject to whatever I decide to write!) and a bra!! I'm so proud of myself, cause before now i've only be able to wash one outfit (pants, shirt, bra, underwear).

I know, i'm insane, but I only have these few moments of pride before i'm downing myself again, so I'm trying to make the best of it.


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