Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I am declaring today the official LOVE YOUR PEOPLE DAY!!

What do I mean by Love Your People? Well I'm about to explain that.

Today, You are to send 10 people on your MySpace Friends list a message telling them just how much you appreciate them, just how much they mean to you. Explain to them how they make you feel, tell them how life would be if they weren't in it, just tell them how much you truly care. If you happen to know this person is going through a rough patch, or that this person is not happy with life, then this message will be part of your attempt to lift them up.

There are no other rules to this day. Well, actually one more. If you are in a position where you can hug this person as well as sending this message, then do it. If not, Internet Hugs will have to do. Oh and no, you can't possibly get to mushy with this. Obviously don't message someone you hardly know and tell them that you want to have their children or something crazy like that, the point is to be GENUINE! As Genuine as you can be. LET PEOPLE KNOW HOW YOU FEEL!

Now, I'm going to post here who all I'm sending my messages to, because You (my readers) may be on the list!

1. My Mom.
2. My Brother.
3. My Sister.
4. Fawn.
5. Sarah Jo.
6. Bethany.
7. Yoshiki.
8. Gackt.
9. Miyavi/Mephistes.
10. Judes.

You may note that I have 3 people on this list I do not speak to on a regular basis. Some of you may be wondering Why?

Well, Yo hasn't been feeling well. And lets face it, the man works entirely to hard and isn't given any appreciation whatsoever. People just bitch at him because he isn't doing what "They" want him to. He deserves a pick-me-up message.

Gackt, because I appreciate him just as much as I appreciate anyone else who has the job he does. People say that Famous people have it easy, well they don't. They are just people who got lucky and got the jobs they wanted. The main word there being that they are PEOPLE! Gackt is a person, whom I admire very much and I want him to know that I appreciate his hard work and talent.

Miyavi/Mephistes, well I just like bugging him by calling him Mephistes. I'm evil like that. Seriously though, same deal as with Yo and Gackt. He is a hardworker and I appreciate all he does.

There you have it. Explanations for the three people I'm sure everyone is questioning on my list. Now, GO AND TELL SOMEONE HOW MUCH YOU LOVE/APPRECIATE/ADMIRE THEM!!!

PS. If you feel like writing more than 10 GO FOR IT!! There are so many people who feel underappreciated and need a boost!

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