Wednesday, June 4, 2008

De toi à moi

Unintentionally I lied about the last blog being my last one. I apologize. There are so many things going on right now...
A lot of pain and a lot stuff rising to the surface for me. Tonight I think i've finally gotten to the point if I don't cry, I'll explode. So I was listening to this song called "Just so you know" by Jesse McCartney (and yes, he does sing with a french chorus which is "De toi à moi" in another version of the song) and I just started crying, because I was thinking of two people in my life who I've loved a really long time. One is my ex, the other shall remain nameless. And so, I thought it might be theraputic. Or maybe just pitiful. IDK which.

The song that is making me finally cry.

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