Friday, June 13, 2008

Sparkly Pants and the Pata who wears them...

Alternate title: Babies, Buttons, Dragons and Gackt

Here is the Gackt part of the blog (I love the way he sings this song!!)

Okay, for those of you who have no Clue who Pata is, he is a guitarist from X-Japan. He has this habit of wearing sparkly/shiny pants... and I admit to being passionately in love with sparkly pants... No, I'm not in love with what could be underneath the pants... :blush: though my roomie seems to like to bring up this point. But thats not the point of this blog!

I'm actually writing this because I had some interesting bits of inspiration in the pants department! Yesterday at the all to beautiful Wall of Marts, I discovered these adorable buttons... and some interestingly fun buttons... and bits of fabric that made me smile... and then realized just how PLAIN my jeans were. This sparked the lightbulb!!!

I will be spending tomorrow sewing various bits of fabric, buttons, beads and dragon coins onto my pants!! :D They need some spicing up anyway. if I can get the camera to work I will take pictures and post them here, because they will be absolutely FABULOUS when I'm done and I want to show them off!

Unfortunately, I could not find the kind of yarn I need to finish my scarf to send off to the Lovely Tora (of Alice 9), but when I return to The Land of Indians (Indiana) in July for the birth of my godson I fully intend to search there for the yarn. Since I originally got it in Indiana, I'm sure I can find it once again in Indiana.

Did I mention that I'm going to Indiana?! :giggle: I will be departing from Oklahoma on the 14th or 15th of July with my friend, Ryan, who is coming to visit me. And will be staying with my mother (and helping her move) until sometime in August when my best friend/sister, Kendra, will take off of work and prepare for the birth of her son, Corbin. I am the God-Mother and am totally psyched because I get to be in the delivery room with Kendra when she gives birth.

This is a rather long blog, but I felt everyone deserved to know how excited I am to be a God-Mother, how happy I am to be able to experience all these different new things that are going on with me and how, no matter what may happen, I have some awesome friends who put up with my bullshit and stick with me no matter the cost.

On a somewhat sad note, due to the health of the drummer/pianist/lyricist of X-Japan, my concert may or not be canceled. I actually hope it is, cause I would rather He get better than try to entertain me. I care about his health more. Thats just me though, many fans are bitching because of it, but I'll be happy as long as he stays healthy. I prefer my heroes to be healthy! :D

And now I close with this last tidbit:

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