Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Personal History

1)Raised in:
Indiana (USA)

2) Your name?
Sarai Elizabeth Lillie

3) Birth date:
September 25th, 1988

4) Any siblings:

5) Oldest of them all?
Jason (whom I haven't seen since I was 7)

6)Girlfriend/ Boyfriend's name:
I don't have a girlfriend or a boyfriend

7) Hair length
Past my shoulders, but not quite mid-back yet.

8) First school:
A Pentecostal Church School located in Bloomington Indiana

9) Eye color:
Black/Brown (depends on my mood)

10) Shoe size:
I can wear 10, 11 and 12... depends on the shoe

11) Mood:

12) Smell:
vanilla or men's cologne

13) Height:
5'2" (157.5cm)


1) Do you remember your first real relationship?
Yes, because my first REAL relationship wasn't until I was 17. I almost married him...

2) Do you believe in love?
Not anymore...

3) Shortest relationship?
1 month (I've only had two relationships)

4) Have you ever been heartbroken?
Many times

5) Are you liking someone now?

6) Have you ever fallen for a friend?

7) Are you afraid of commitment?
Right now I am... I've seen it fail to many times.


2) Coffee or alcohol
Coffee. After my last battle with Alcohol, I think I'm done....

3) One night stands or relationships?
Relationships (only because I'm not a slut)

4) Television or internet?
The Internet. I can communicate with my friends here... and besides if I want to watch television, I can watch it on here!

5) Pepsi or Coke?
Coke (I am ALL about Coca Cola)

6) Long night out or romantic night in?
Romantic Night In. I would think it would be easier to be together in a quiet environment, talking than being distracted by the world outside the door.

7) Phone or in Person?
In Person. You can tell a lot more about what is going on if you can talk in person than over the phone. In Person is Ideal, but I will talk on the phone if I can't talk in person.


1) Have you ever been caught sneaking out?
No (but then again, I've never have tried to sneak out)

2) Have you ever skinny dipped?

4) Have you ever been on a house boat?

5) Have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker?

6) Have you ever been streaking?


1) Do you get depressed about things easily?
Yes (this being one of my many faults)

2) Do you live life to the fullest?
I'm trying to

3) Are you comfortable with the way you look?
No. I would love to weigh less, get my teeth fixed, have a breast reduction... all of those things would be LOVELY. But until Those things change, I have to be happy with what I have. How I can I change if I don't like myself enough to change?

4) How do you dress
However I want to.

5) Are you scared of growing old alone?
Growing Old, no. Being alone, Yes. Age brings many different things that are beneficial. Wisdom for instance. I would love some wisdom!

6) What do you want to be when you GROW UP?
A Good Woman. One who has survived the trials and temptations, the beatings and the good moments and is better for all the experiences.

7) Favorite season?

8) Are you a vegetarian?
I tried to be. I failed... Then again, its hard to give something up like a snap of your fingers when you've been eating it for years. I have completely given up pig and I guess thats good enough for right now...

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