Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Battle Royale meets The Cube

Strange dreams occur when Sarai dreams.

I don't know if anyone has seen Battle Royale (I'm sure that Gackt and Miyavi have seen Battle Royale) or The Cube so I'm going to give you the synopsis without giving any of the endings away.

Battle Royale: 42 students are kidnapped and then placed on a remote island to kill one another as part of a "Government Program". Everyday, parts of the Island become forbidden zones so that the students will be killed automatically if they enter a forbidden zone.

The Cube: A cube with rooms that are either safe or set with traps. Each room has a specfic colour and leads to 4 other rooms. The traps are set off by different things: heat sensors, sound, etc.

Now my dream:
We start out in a classroom, (very much like the beginning of BR) a few of us are sitting together trying to play a game while we wait for our instructor to arrive. Everything goes dark.

The next thing I know, I've been wounded and i'm running, i'm sliding down stairs and trying to hide, get to the bottom of this place and hide. I get to the bottom, and I'm trapped. There is a little stair that leads up to a tiny door. I have a flashback, of someone entering the room and being killed by the Electroshock floor. I hide under the stairs and across from me is another little door. I am afraid to go into it, because I seem to not have any shoes (those of you who have seen The Cube [or any of the sequels] will know why I need shoes).

I hear someone coming, someone singing. Then I hear,
"Shut up you blind bastard." and the sound of someone getting kicked. Then three people appear on my site. A black man, an Asian man and a white man. The Asian man is the one singing. In my mind, I recognize him as a guy named Excelsior, a guy I have a crush on. (Bear in mind folks, these are people made up in my dream. I don't ACTUALLY KNOW any of these people)

They look at me, all except Excelsior, because he is blind. They push me out of my hiding spot and the white guy and Excelsior sit down in my place. The black guy goes to the little door across from the stairs and opens it. He goes in and pulls a light cord. And is promptly electrocuted.
I stand in horror and Excelsior and the white guy turn towards me.

"Where are we?!" the white guy askes.

"I don't know! As best I can figure we are in a cube of some sorts. and we keep moving, we're just going round in circles." (just so that everyone knows, Not only are there traps, but certain rooms have become forbidden, but because the cube is moving and shifting you never know which room is going to be forbidden or trapped)

The white guy asks if I've gone through the little door at the top of the stairs. I tell him that its trapped. He then points a weapon at me and tells me to get the hell away from him before he kills me. I look at Excelsior and beg him to come with me. He refuses, saying that there was no point.

"But there is a point! I Like You!"

He smiles warmly and then says, "Bringing me with you won't help you survive. Now, go and escape." I petition for at least a goodbye kiss.

We come forward, our lips touch for a brief moment. Then he pushes me away and tells me to go. The white guy holds Excelsior back and makes sure he won't try to come with me and I run off and up the stairs. The last thing I hear is as I run away is Excelsior singing.

A little while later I am walking down a street. A Native American Man is coming towards me, playing bagpipes and singing amazing grace. I look at him and our eyes meet. I tell him that Excelsior is dead. He says that he knows, that he received his wallet today. He askes if I want Excelsior's wallet and I say no. Then I wake up.

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