Sunday, June 22, 2008

Trip to the ER 4

Once again, ER and nothing is done to correct the situation. Oh well. At least she is seeming to be in decent spirits.

Swelling in her legs hasn't gone down (the ER didn't give her anything for it either). She has a bladder/urinary tract infection. She always has one, so we knew that already. The doctor was a jerk.

They didn't do anything for her pain (which worsened), they Did draw blood and test for a variety of things. According to it, her kidney function is not bad. She didn't have a fever and her blood pressure wasn't bad at all. We watched "Parent Trap" and "Some Like it Hot" while waiting for them to do their stuff. They did take a cat scan of her brain to make sure that nothing was going on there.

Oh and she lost all feeling/movement in her left arm while we were there. The doctor says "It's not paralysis". Bull. Not being able to move your arm or leg on one side of your body is paralysis.

So now we wait for Tuesday to come so she can see her primary care physician and see what they can do. In the meantime, pray for my fawny. Cause, I is worried. :(

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