Wednesday, July 2, 2008

If something should happen

First off, let me start this blog by congratulating my brother on arriving at his 18th birthday relatively safely. Happy Birthday Christopher! You made it to adulthood!! Yay!!

Today I went to Wal-Mart. And I was literally surrounded by babies. Everywhere I looked there was a mom with a baby. Or a mom with a young child of some kind. I was beginning to feel my clock ticking. Yes, my maternal clock started ticking. But the problem is, I DON'T want children!! I don't, I don't, I DO NOT.

I love children, don't get me wrong. I enjoy being around kids, or else I wouldn't have survived babysitting. But, damn it, I don't want to be a mom. That is something that can't be undone. And I don't want to screw up. I don't want a child, I don't want them to suffer the same things I have suffered, I don't want them to grow up in this world. If it was a different time, I wouldn't mind as much I think, but not now. Not now!

I really admire Kendra for wanting a baby and being willing to raise Corbin now-a-days. I don't mind helping her out. I don't mind helping her and Ryan raise Corbin, but I don't want to raise a child of my own. I wouldn't mind helping raise my sister, I mean I've done that for most of her life. I know that I could raise a child, but I don't want to.

You know, I went from wanting 16 children to none. I used to center my life around getting married and having children. Thats all I used to dream about, babies this and babies that. At 11 I knew the names that I wanted my kids to have, knew that I wanted to home-school them. At 16 I had my entire wedding planned down to the last detail (except for a groom). I was PROGRAMMED by my Church that this was all I was meant to do. Get married, having children, obey God and my husband, then Die.

But what is marriage anymore? I have no idea, what it is. People say its between one man and one woman, but I have friends who are gay and friends who have more than one person they claim as a spouse. Is marriage all hinged on that piece of paper? Is it all hinged on my taking the last name of the man I am with? Will I ever know the truth about it?

How am I supposed to obey God when I don't understand what He wants me to do? The Bible is truth, my step-father always said. Well that may be so, but how am I supposed to know what this truth is telling me? How can I obey when I'm not even sure its right anymore? Yes, I believe in a Supreme Being. A God. One who does love me, or else I wouldn't be existing, but why He/She has me here and what purpose I am supposed to have baffles me!

Why am I only meant for marriage, childbirth and submission?! Is there nothing else beyond that? No education or job? Am I not allowed to have dreams anymore? Thats it?!

Not only this, but I am so worried about the deal with my sister and all that crap. Is it possible for me to take custody of my sister? I'm scared that if Wes (my step-father) gets custody that I will never see her again. Could I convince her to pick me if it came to that?

I have no doubts about my ability to raise Hannah. I am worried that I wouldn't get custody and neither would Mom, and Wes would take her away. And I wouldn't see my sister again. Which would KILL me. I hate this. HATE IT ALL!!! I hate the man who is putting us through this, I hate the fact that I can't do anything to stop it. It isn't fair. It isn't fair.

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