Sunday, July 13, 2008

Toto, I don’t think we’re in Oklahoma anymore!!

In about 7 hours, I will be on my way to Indiana with my friend, Ryan. We plan on leaving at about 7 (or 7:30am). It is now almost Midnight.

I need to finish packing up what I'm taking with me and making sure that the rest of my stuff is packed up in case Fawn and Arlin get us moved to some place better before I get back.

A poem is called to mind, one by Robert Frost that I used to have memorized when I was in school. "And miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep." I don't really know whether to be excited about going back to Indiana, or worried... or a combination of the two. I don't want to be caught in the middle of World War III (aka: My Parent's Divorce), but I want to be there for them if they need me. I guess, I have to come to the realization that I can't please them both, just like I can't please everyone else. *shrug*

Update on my hair: It is now pink, purple and blonde. The pink and purple will wash out soon and then I will be back to just blonde. Which, I think, I look good as a blonde. though Ryan says I lose 15 IQ points... *giggle*

Update on Fawn's Health: Tomorrow she goes in for another MRI. By the time she gets out, I'll be miles away, riding towards Indiana.

No idea when I'm going to get back to Oklahoma. I am hoping for some time in September, because I would really like to start some college classes at St. Gregory's Private College. But who knows where the wind will take me, or where this butterfly was meant to land. All I know is that I need to figure out some kind of plan/idea of what I want to do with my life.

I think I'm still kicking around the idea of being an Actress in Japan. Do you think they would hire a caucasian girl? I just feel like they have better/deeper ideas in Asia. Has anyone ever seen an Asian Film? Well I know my Asian subscribers have, but if you watch an Asian film, like Pray or Ju-on: The Grudge 2, they have some intense plots and ideas. The emotions are fantastic and not everything is about sex like in American films. I get so tired of sex being "love" in American films. At any rate, Me as an actress in Japan... Still thinking about it.

In the meantime, I'm still writing and still trying to get an education and still looking for a job. Speaking of, Good News!! My mom got a job! Its at Chamber's Smorgasbord in Spencer Indiana as a waitress. Actually where she is working is right next door to Book Heaven Book Store which is where I used to work (and will be working at again, whilst in Indiana).

Okay, so I have to go, bunches of stuff to get done before I go to bed and before tomorrow can "officially" begin.

Don't know when I'll be back online, because currently my mom's computer has died and my step-father has taken the other computer for himself. BTW, for those who don't know, Divorces are MESSY. If you don't think you will stay together (I know everyone thinks they will stay together when they first get together), then don't get married. Its not only rough on you and your spouse, but excessively stressful on any children you might have. Consider the future generations.

Ta ta for now!!

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