Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Train Wreck

My hair.

A train wreck.

A disaster. Can Arlin Fix it? Or will I be doomed to look like this FOREVER?! (well, that is until my hair grows out.)

I started out blonde (should've stayed with it.), Then we began the purple process. Found out we didn't have enough of the purple hair dye. So Ryan and Fawn run to the store to get me more purple passion by Beyond the Zone. They were OUT! And nothing came close to matching.

So then I'm like, fine pick up some more bleach and I'll just re-bleach my hair (poor hair). Well I am now waiting... my head is burning, and my hair is turning pink. PINK!! Not blonde, PINK. *sigh*

I always wanted to look hide like, but gods, this is frustrating!!! *rips scalp off of head*

Okay, i'm going to go see if its time to remove this burning from my head. Later.

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