Saturday, May 24, 2008

Randomness to Cure MY Boredom!

Random Questions

Whats your favorite season?

How do you want to be remembered after you die?
As I am now, that is how I want to be remembered

What's the main thing you want right now?
A good paying Job (Hell, a job of any kind would be LOVELY)

What three things couldn't you live without if you were stranded on a desert island?
Music, Chocolate and water

What's your favorite type of weather?
Warm, Stormy weather...

Has anyone hurt you recently? If so who?
yes. My step-father

Do you like to read?
Yes. I LOVE reading!!

What kind of books do you like to read?
Any kind as long as it isn't one of those stupid romance novels!

Favorite Authors?
Bram Stoker, Dante Alligheri, Anne Bishop, William Shakespeare

Favorite books?
Dracula, Romeo and Juliet, The Black Jewels Trilogy, The Inferno

Do like to drive fast?
I would just like to drive! Since I still can't....

Are you a night person or a morning person?

What is your perfect paradise?
A quiet little house surrounded by cherry blossom trees and a small sparkling lake.

What country or countries would you like to visit?
Japan, Ireland, Egypt

Are you for Capital Punishment?
In certain Circumstances, Yes

Are you happy with the way our country is run?
Not Really

Do you believe in literal good and evil?
Yes and no....

Do you believe in the devil?

Do you swear?

Do you believe in the supernatural?

Are you addicted to Myspace?
Yes *heavy sigh*

Favorite stores to shop at?
Barnes and Noble, Wal-Mart, Hot Topic

What's your favorite holiday
I don't have one.

What's your favorite month?

What do you do when your stressed and need to unwind?
Listen to music, sometimes I cry, but I usually write it out...

Does your curiosity get the best of you ever?

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