Sunday, May 25, 2008

Honesty is the Best Policy


Who are you liking?
-Like I'm going to tell you!! What if he read it?! I would never live it down. So, NO!

Who is your best friend?
-Fawny, My Mom, Momma T, Adam (when he isn't being a jackass), Sarah Jo and Ryan

Who makes you happy?
-To be brutally honest, Gackt makes me Happy. You know why? Because I feel like I can really connect with his music and that makes me happy. Gackt, if you read this, I thank you for making music that speaks to my soul.

Who is your favorite family member on your mom's side?
-My Grandfather, my uncle Derek

Who is your favorite family member on your dad's side?
-On my step-father's side: Aunt Carmen, Jonathan, Breana, Uncle Clark, Aunt Peggy, Becky and Greg. On my bio father's side: Aunt Rosie, Aunt Lynette

Who are you closest to?
-My moms (I have like 5 of them)

Who do you tell your secrets to?
-Fawny, Sarah Jo, Adam

Who were you with last night?
-Fawny and Arlin

Who do you live with?
-Fawny and Arlin


What's your full name?
-Sarai Elizabeth Lillie

What's your birthdate?
-September 25th, 1988

What's your favorte color?
-Black, Crimson and Ivory

What's your favorite sport?
-Football, Basketball, Soccer, Dressage

What's your favorite number?
-42 (apparently its the answer to everything?)

What do you do in your spare time?
-Spend time on the internet, watch movies, read books, knit (when i have the yarn!), tease Fawny

What are your pets names?
-Well in Indiana, my pets' names were Starlight and Pia. But they no longer live with me since i now reside in Oklahoma

What's your favorite song?
-Dispar by Gackt, Black Stone by Gackt, Useless by Imogen Heap, Sex and Religion by Violet UK, Scarecrow's Dream by Dan Fogelberg, ETC...

What's your favorite T.V. show?
-Robin Hood (BBC America), Prison Break, House MD (although, I never get to watch these shows anymore...)

What's your favorite movie?
-A Tale of Two Sisters, Moon Child, Gone with the Wind, The Forbidden Kingdom, The Curse of the Golden Flower, ETC....

What vehicles do your parents drive?
-Um, Kia Spectre and Ford Windstar


Where were you on your last birthday?
-At my 'rent's apartment in B-ton Indiana

Where do you live?
-Shawnee Oklahoma

Where do you want to live?
-Well, its one of four places: California, Ireland, Egypt or Japan

Where was your last vacation to?
-Florida (to visit my Cousin)

Where did you go in a car last?

Where do your grandparents live?
-My bio father's parents are deceased. Their bodies reside in California. My mom's parents live in Jeffersonville Indiana. My step-father's parents reside in Owen County Indiana

Where do you want to go to college?
-St. Gregory's (here in Shawnee) or Mill's Women's College in California

Where is your heart?
-With he that holds the pieces.


When did/will you graduate?
-I'll finally get my GED sometime in the next 4 months... Since I plan college in the Fall.

When do you want to get married?
-Never. Seriously though, at this point in time I see no point in being married. Marriages fail, marriages die. I don't want that. I believe that if I can promise myself to someone without signing that piece of paper that is marriage to me. So, someday if I find the person I'm willing to promise myself to forever I will then "marry".

When are you happy?
-When I'm talking to my friends/family or when I'm writing poetry/stories

When did you cry last?
-Day before yesterday I believe.

When are you moving next?
-I've already done it love!

When did you last get a text?
-Well I've never received a text... bc I DON'T HAVE A CELL PHONE!!

When are you going to bed?
-Probably around 1 and 2

When is the last time you took a vitamin?
-Around 7pm today


Why do you think you were born?
-To entertain Fawny. lol... I think I was born to help people, to be someone that people can feel comfortable talking to when they are having problems.

Why is Britney Spears so messed up?
-Well, first, lets look at her mother! I rest my case.

Why are you stressed?
-My family, not having a job, my roomies being ill, me being ill.

Why is MySpace so addictive?
-If I knew, I would stop the addiction!

Why do clowns scare people?
-Maybe they saw "It" as young children? IDK, I personally am not afraid of clowns. (when I was a year old, yes. Now, no)

Why are you bored?
-Because I have no inspiration right now. Which is why I'm going to blog this, because I have no inspiration!

Why is Tom Cruise so weird?
-Because Scientology is fucked up.

Why are you taking this survey?
-I'm waiting for "Moon Child" to fully load so that I can enjoy it without being interrupted! :)

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