Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Pictures, Poems and My Obsessions...

Okay, so yesterday (since it is after midnight where I am) I posted 2 blogs... an older poem and a newer poem. I hope those of you who read them enjoyed them. :)
Also, I've recently gone on an uploading spree and have created yet another new folder of pics. This one is random icons and sayings. I likes it!! Check it out, feel free to comment (if thats what you want!) and let me know if there are any you think should be in there.

Now, just as a warning to my friends who happen to also be J-Rockers... I am NOT obsessed. I just can't help it that you guys are cute and the icons are even cuter. Not my fault. :)

At any rate... I'm bored and that's part of the reason for two blog postings a day now... and random uploading of random pictures to a random folder!!! :)

Also, check out my heroes folder... If you have no clue who I'm talking about in my Heroes section of my myspace, no fears... just go through the folder. I have a description and picture of all the heroes on my list. And if you have any questions feel free to write me. I am always available...

Now, I'm off ladies and gents... I have to go and knit some more on this damn scarf I've been working on for a year... You'd think I'd have finished by now, but no... As soon as its done though, off to Tora of Alice Nine it will be sent. I understand that he likes the colour red? And this scarf is definitely made of awesome and varying amounts of red. I'm just worried that if I send one to him, everyone will get jealous and want one and I'll be inundated with requests for scarves in varying colours and lengths... If this happens, I'm opening a business and you all can pay me to make these scarves since yarn costs MOOLAH!

Feeling crazy... foot still hurts... and IDK what to write, so now I'm really going to stop... i hope!

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