Monday, May 12, 2008

Completely Honest. No Lies, Only Truths

100 Things You Might Not Know About Me

1. Whats your middle name?

2. How big is your bed?
I have a Queen-sized Air mattress... Not that anyone cares what kind of a bed I have. I mean, seriously, WHO CARES? Let me see some hands on this one...

3. What are you listening to right now?
Imogen Heap (a bunch of her songs in a row)

4. What are the last 4 digits in your phone number?
4290 (not that you really need to know this...)

5. What was the last thing you ate?
Generic oreos

6. Last person you hugged?

7. How is the weather right now?
It has taken a bit of a turn towards the chilly/nippy side

8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Phil (my poor baby!)

9. Who was the last preson texted?
I DO NOT HAVE A CELL PHONE!!! I get sooooooo sick of these questions over and over! Does anyone get tired of these "cell" questions besides me?

10. What is the first thing u notice in the opposite sex?
Smile, eyes, personality (in that order)

11. Favorite type of Food?

12. Do you want children?
Not anymore

13. Do you drink?
Yes. It is a bad habit, I don't do it often, but every now and again, when I get a hold of some I do.

14. Ever get so drunk you don't remember the entire night?
No. I have never been more than tipsy. Drunk means I have no control over myself, and I don't like that feeling.

15. Hair color?
Black. However, I'm planning on dying it dark purple with snow white tips... I think it would look cool!

16. Eye color?
Depending on my mood they are brown or black. If I'm really upset they turn black, but if I'm doing okay they are brown.

17. Do you wear contacts/glasses?
I wear Glasses. But currently my glasses reside in Indiana and my eyes reside in Oklahoma. Much like my swimsuit residing in Florida and my body being in Oklahoma... *sigh* I really should stop forgetting these things in random states...

18. Favorite Holiday?
Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Frankly, I really don't even like celebrating this holiday. I have become very bitter in my old age (don't laugh) and believe that almost every holiday we celebrate is factually unstable and founded in pagan beliefs. Now, I have nothing against pagans (some of my best friends are pagan), but Why is it called a "Holy Day" and Christians celebrate it when it isn't in fact a Christian Holy Day. A Holy Day yes, but not for Christians. And Martin Luther King Jr. (while being a beginner for Racial Freedom in The States) was not all he seemed to be and No man deserves to be on a pedastal.

19. Favorite Season?
The season where the leaves change colours, bleeding from stem to tip as the trees die for another year. The season where the world is knee deep in dead and dying foliage, the beauty of the dying and withering world as she rests and awaits the harsh and bitter cold of Winter's birth. That season, is my favorite.

20. Have you ever cried over a girl/boy?
Yes, I have. The real question is, were they worth crying over. And I have come to the conclusion that they were not. No girl/boy is worth your tears and the one who is won't make you cry.

21. Last Movie you Watched?
Well the last movie I started was Eastern Promises... I was watching it online and got bored with having to wait for everything to buffer and load. The last full movie I watched was "The Little Mermaid". ^ ^

22. What books are you reading?
"Battle Royale" by Koushun Takami (because Fawny wanted me too. Actually, its not that bad and I'm really enjoying it. However, it is very much like "Lord of the Flies" which I didn't care for... So depending on how it goes I will either love it or hate it.)
"Seventh Day Adventists Believe" published by the SDA Church (because I want to know more about this "religion" I have chosen to claim. Obviously I will always hold true to my own beliefs, but this is going to be the deciding factor on whether I get baptized into an SDA church or if I get baptized somewhere else. And the answer is yes, I have not yet been baptized. If you care to know the full story on that you will have to write me.)

23. Favorite Movie?
Right now, I really like "Juno". It was a very good movie, and the last happy moments I shared with my step-dad before I moved to Oklahoma. Therefore, it will always have a very special place in my heart.

24. Favorite college football Team?
Really, who cares about College Football?! I don't. I enjoy the Professional Football teams. I do enjoy College Basketball though. I'm just strange that way. ^ ^

25. What were you doing before filling this out?
Talking to Phil on the phone

26. Any pets?
In Indiana I had 2 cats (Starlight [boy] and Pia [girl]). Since I have moved to Oklahoma, we have not yet gotten any pets. We would like to get a kitten and name it Gackuto, but we haven't found an acceptable cat yet.

27. Dogs or cats?
Well, I like both, but I favor cats over dogs because dogs usually see me as a potential mate and try to do inappropriate things to me... And since most dogs are bigger than me and could very easily knock me to the ground, I prefer cats.

28. Favorite Flower:
I love the look and smell of Roses, but I also enjoy Lilies. Especially wild Lilies that grow along the roadside in Indiana.

29. Have you ever loved someone?
Yes, I have. He is one I spent many nights crying over, one I loved very passionately and whole-heartedly. And because of him and others who broke my heart, I will never love again, because all it does is destroy you.

30. Who would you like to see right now?
Yo, because I want to give him a hug. He works to hard and I admire him for all he does. And Gackuto. Either in person or in concert, it doesn't matter. He is one I would like to get to know. ^ ^

31. Have you ever fired a gun?
There are people who haven't?! Yes, I have fired a gun and you know what? I LOVE GUNS!!!

32. Do you like to travel by plane?
When it is necessary, yes... In general I would rather ride by car, because then I don't feel embarrassed if I fall asleep and snore. *blush*

33. Right-handed or Left-handed?
I am primarily Right-handed. Although I can use my left for many things. I'm still practicing writing with my left hand. I want to be ambidextrous!

34. If you could go to any place right now where would you go?
Japan. Thats where Yo and Gackt are...

35. Are you missing someone?
Yes. Now be a clever quiz and guess who?

36. Do you have a tattoo?
Not yet, but give me time, it'll happen!

37. Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday morning?
No. Not because I no longer like cartoons, but because I am never awake to see them. And before I left Indiana, I was usually attempting to go to church or working.

38. Are you hiding something from someone?
Yes. And if I tell you, then it won't be hidden anymore now will it?

39. Are you 18?
Not anymore, thank God. 18 was a bit of a bad year for me. I'm thankful it is gone. I'm now on my way to 20.

40. What is the wallpaper on your cellphone?
I DO NOT HAVE ONE!! God, I am really hating cells right now... Am I the only one who doesn't have one now-a-days?

41. Did you get enough sleep last night?
Not really. I tossed and turned a lot... And I had many strange/frightening dreams. My dreams won't let me get any good sleep or enough of it.

42. First thing you thought about this morning?
"I wonder if anyone wrote me..."

43. What do you have handy at your bedside?
My inhaler, my Bible, Aslan (my stuffed lion puppet that I've had since I was 5 years old.) and various books

44. Grilled or fried?
Hm, Grilled is healthier, but Fried is just so much more satisfying! lol. I like both.

45. What makes you unique?
What makes anyone unique? Is it talent or beauty? In which body part does uniqueness reside? I suppose for me it would be the fact that I have my own separate DNA, I am the only daughter of Derwin LeTendre and Debra McHenry and I am who I am.

46. Are you afraid of the dark?
No. I welcome the darkness with open arms. In the dark, no one can judge me because we all look alike when hidden in blackness. Not only that, but the dark is a clearer representation of the human soul and mind, what lies in the darkness is a reflection of what lies within.

47. Favorite hangout?
My favorite hangout used to be Timber Ridge Seventh Day Adventist Camp (in Indiana). Right now, however, my fav hangout is the living room on my computer. *sigh*

48. Favorite song?
Dispar by Gackt and Useless by Imogen Heap are two that I am currently infatuated with. I have thousands, but these are at the top of my list. ^ ^

49. Are you a giver or a taker?
I have attempted at all times to be a Giver. But I will admit to being a taker at times. I have been selfish before, but I am working toward being more selfless.

50. What are your nicknames?
Sarah, Mel, DQ, Sarah Belle, Sara Ha Ha, Sarah Sue, Sara lee, Princess, Haras... Pretty much any kind of nickname that would go with Sara[h] I've been called it.

51. Stuck on a deserted island who would you take?
Bram Stoker, Dante Alligheri, William Shakespeare, Yo, Gackt, Wentworth Miller and Some Reeses! (What, they are all people!!! except for Reese's, but you know what? A girl needs CHOCOLATE on a desert island!)

52. Favorite store?
Hm... I really like Hot Topic (Can't afford anything in there, but I enjoy looking and wishing...), Spencer's (It is sooooooo Naughty, but it makes me Giggle!) and Wal-Mart (ah, the only place I can afford to shop.)

53. Do you seek profoundness in life, or do you just go with the flow?
I like the profoundness and I have never been able to "just go with the flow", I fear that going with the "flow" has hurt me to many times to ever do it again.

54. Do you cherish emotion, or are you stoic and sterile?
If I say that I cherish emotion I am "emo". If I say that I am stoic and sterile, I am heartless, cold and frigid. I am damned if I do, damned if I don't.

55. Does hatred drive you, or does love; or are you numb?
I am horribly numb. Love used to drive me, used to drag me to my knees and make me cry. Then Hatred took over the car and threatened to launch me over the cliff's jagged edge. Now I sit here, feeling nothing at all.

56. Have you ever been terribly wronged by someone?
Yes, several different times. But they are either dead or I no longer speak to them.

57. Have you ever been betrayed?
In this wicked world, who hasn't been betrayed? We are betrayed every day, by life, by soceity, by those we call friends. Betrayal is everywhere, it is unescapable.

58. Have you ever experienced unconditional love?
I did, once. Now it seems to have faded...

59. Has someone close to you been critically ill?
Yes. And they passed on.

60. Has someone you loved passed away?
Many that I loved have passed on.

61. If so, are you bitter and regretful, or do you embrace their memory?
I suppose I am a combination of the two. I try to embrace the memory, but its hard to do when you feel guilty about their passing. When you know that you didn't do enough or you didn't get a chance to say one last goodbye. Or you weren't there when they passed...

62. Do you wander alone, or do you seek companionship?
I crave both. I want to be alone, but I so desperately need companionship!

63. Can you feel the presence of evil, or are you oblivious?
I can feel it.

64. Have you ever felt an urge to indulge dark impulses?
Yes. Who hasn't?

65. Do you walk with angels, or do devils control you?
Is it possible to have both? Angels stand by my side, dragging me back from the dark and the Demons stand on the opposite side dragging me under.

66. Do you fear others or yourself more; or are you fearless?
I fear myself. Because, in truth, all that lies in others that we might fear also resides within us.

67. Do you dream of wandering wastelands of corpses in the cloak of the moon?
I think I have, once or twice. (Who made this quiz?!)

68. Do you feel deep down that if your enemy was dying, you would help him/her?
Yes. Unfortunately.

69. Have you ever witnessed an animal being brutally beaten?
Well, technically the animal wasn't brutally "beaten", but it was brutally murdered. And it was my fault. I accidentally killed a kitten about a year ago or so. I was in a hurry, skipped the last step in our garage and just then a kitten came out and I stepped on it's skull. Obviously it was crushed and I killed it. To this day I still have nightmares about it and still feel INCREDIBLY GUILTY.

70. Have you witnessed any other heinous or violent crime?
I have been the "victim" of heinous crime and I have witnessed violence. So yes.

71. Do you feel your views on life are "warped" as a result of any trauma?

72. Do you have more of an optimistic personality, or pessimistic?
I have a tendency to lean toward pessimisim, especially when it comes to myself. But I have a tendency to be optimistic for other people.

73. Are you a serious, sarcastic person, or bubbly and humorous?
A strange combination of the two.

74. Do little things and habits of other people annoy you to the point of rage?
Used to. Not anymore... Not worth the suffering.

75. If so, what particular things about people provoke the most rage?
Stupidity used to drive me insane... It still does every now and again.

76. Do you contain any phobias or conditions (ex: arachnophobia, OCD, depression)?
Arachnophobia, OCD, Depression, Claustrophobia

77. Does art and literature attract you?
Absolutely. Art, literature and music are the only things that keep me sane anymore...

78. Are you creative?
I try to be...

79. Do you contain any psychic ability; in tune with your subconscious?
Not that anyone truly believes me when I say it, yes. Some. (If you want to know more and aren't just being stupid you can e-mail me.)

80. Would you consider yourself an artist?
No. I am no artist. I am just trying to imitate the artists.

81. Do weapons and objects meant to do harm appeal to you?

82. Do you consider yourself as a submissive or assertive personality?
Mainly Submissive. I hate that. Being abused and pushed down does that to you.

83. Do you long for love; a soul mate?
What's the point?

84. If so, do you long for someone completely different, or the same?
How about a mixture of the two? Some sameness and some differences...

85. Do you enjoy taking risks, or do you like stability?
I lean more towards stability, but every now and again I will step off into a risk.

86. Do you drown yourself in music?
All the time...

87. Do you feel pain?
Yes, Such an odd question

88. Do you indulge in self harm of any kind?
I used to. But I don't anymore. Its not worth it.

89. Does guilt ever hinder you?
All the time... I often feel guilty about things that aren't even my fault too.

90. Are you stressed?

91. Do you have health issues that make life harder?
Yes. My asthma definitely makes life harder...

92. Does regret envelope you?
Usually. Of course, by now its become like a second skin...

93. What sort of weather appeals to you most?
Stormy and sunny. I like sunny better only when it is windy. I love the Wind!

94. What is your favorite smell?
Earth right before it rains.

95. What is your favorite sense?
Sight and touch

96. What is your favorite kind of scenery?
Wild and stormy ocean surrounded by beautiful white sand, a bright white moon shining down through the blackened clouds.

97. Where is your most desired place to be?
Away from the world. Unfortunately that isn't possible without death. And even then you are trapped within the world.

98. Do you enjoy the indoor world or the outdoor world better?
I enjoy both equally. Although I should hang outdoors more often...

99. Do you feel in tune with nature?
Usually. Depends on what kind of day it is.

100. Does society define you, or do you weep for it?
I weep for society, its going to kill one to many people one day and everything will fall down and be destroyed.

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