Friday, May 30, 2008

More Hospital Adventures...

As some of you know, my roomie was in massive amounts of pain last night believing that her rib had popped out of place (this because it had been broken 6 years ago when she was pregnant). At around 10 or 11pm she started noticing that her abdomen was going numb, as well as her left arm and leg. She decided not to go last night, deciding to wait and see if it would get any better. She was up the entire night with the pain and the numbness.
I stayed up as late as possible with her, (until about 3:30am or so) and then got up at around 6:45am or so when she finally decided to go to the hospital.
We arrive at the hospital, Where we are seen almost immediately (WHERE WAS THIS COURTESY WHEN I WAS IN THE HOSPITAL!?). They take her blood pressure, we wait a little while and then the doctor comes in. He checks her out, poor baby was so sore that him just barely touching the skin where the pain was equaled excruciating. The doctor said that he belived that Fawny had Shingles (Adult chickenpox).
For those of you who don't know: Shingles is usually when you have had the chickenpox as a child (sometimes you don't even realize you had the pox because it manifested as a simple rash) and you never developed a tolerance for it. Shingles will hide out in the nerves of the body, starting with pain in the back and moving toward the front of the body. The pain usually appears a few days before the rash. It is almost always localized, both the pain and the rash. Shingles usually lasts about 10-12 days, according to the doctor.
Well, Fawn, clearly mystified, stammered that she has never had the chickenpox... So how could she get shingles?! The doctor insisted that Shingles was the best diagnosis, that he would take some x-rays to be sure, test her blood and give her some pain meds for her side. Now this is the part where it got interesting.
The nurse comes in, takes some blood (much to Fawny and my delight, the lady was very skilled and got her on the first try.) and then leaves. Then another nurse comes in to put in her IV (this nurse was also skilled in his craft and got her on the first try). He gives her morphine and finergan (sp?) in her iv and leaves. It took maybe 2 minutes and Fawn and I notice that her entire arm has turned very red, starting from where the iv needle is located. She is clearly having a reaction to the meds. We call a nurse and she comes in and looks at Fawn's arm (once again we are mystified because Fawn has never had a reaction to either or those meds) then quickly gave her some Benedryll... Which mixed with everything else began to put her to sleep.
So because i was bored i began talking at random. Then she said something about Miyavi (because she was listening to her mp3, which has MYV on it) and for some unknown reason I thought I heard her say "Mephistes (mah-fist-s)" and I'm like what?! And she says, "i'm listening to Miyavi". So, unfortunately for MYV you have a new nickname! Mephistes. And, the answer is yes, i will call you it all the time from now on.
She was taken for an x-ray (though, they didn't tell us the result of her blood work or the x-rays), and then we waited. The doctor came in once again, saying he was going to put her on an anti-viral medication to help speed up the clearing of the Shingles (because Shingles has no cure). We then waited for about 30 minutes to be discharged.
And that was another grand adventure in the hospital! I HATE Hospitals!!
Fawn is still in a lot of pain right now... And the dr. said that if she doesn't feel better by Tuesday to go and see her regular doctor. So here's hoping Fawny Recovers soon!!
Thanks to everyone who was praying! Continued prayers would be lovely!

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