Thursday, May 22, 2008

Never Good Enough

Lets face it, I'll never be good enough for you.
I'm never pretty enough,
Thin enough,
Smart enough.
I give up, I'm through. I can't ever please you.

All you people, looking down your long noses
at me and my life. Its never good enough, I'll
never fit in to your mold or fit into your square.
So, I'm the worthless one, the one undeserving
of any love. Because I'm never good enough.

You had me convinced. I was sure that I was
the monster. I was the problem, the one in the
I was to ugly,
To heavy-set,
To stupid.
I had given up. I was to tired to fight back.

I can't ever be good enough for everyone. Had
me convinced that I was the blemish on every-
thing. I was the ugliest of human beings,
disgusting and vile. No one could love me,
because you said I was never good enough.

Well let me tell you what, I am over that now.
I'm over your cruelty and lies. So what if I'm not
or thin,
or Smart?
I am who I am. And in my own way, I'm prettier
and just the right size and more intelligent than
you will ever be.

Wanna know why? Because when you love
someone, they are fine the way they are. You
must've never truly loved me, because I was
never good enough. But I'm above that now.
I'm good enough for myself.

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