Monday, September 1, 2008


YAY SEPTEMBER!!! *dances*

September is my month, friends!!
In this month I will:
~ Turn 20.
~ Welcome my god-son into the world.
~ Celebrate my 1 month anniversary with my boyfriend.
~ Work my ass off getting a job and finding a place to live until I get back to Oklahoma.
~ Enjoy my friends, both old and new.
~ Lose some weight!!
~ Watch the world slowly die, and know that soon she will rise again in the spring. Its so beautiful and thought provoking to watch her die.
~ Be happy because no matter what may happen, I have people who love me.
~ Learn to let go of things I can't do anything about.

In case you couldn't tell, I LOVE September! When its September it feels like the world is right, even when it isn't. Bad things can happen, but I don't care, because it is my month, the one where I can really shine. I'm a little sentimental about this month.

Also, I have a tendency to right most of my best poems in this month.
Hope everyone's September is as good as I expect mine to be!!

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