Friday, September 5, 2008

America and why I’m tired of the shit.

Okay, another rant, by moi.

I hate America. I'm going to come right out and say it. I hate the United States of America. I don't want to bomb it or burn it to the ground, but I am so tired of the bullshit. I am tired of a government that says that we are "forward thinking" and preaches "freedom" but then denies people the right to get married, denies people the right to have their own religions (without major persecution) and continuously proves that we have no true Freedom.

Inspite of what the good ol' USA would like you to believe, there is no real freedoms here. At least if you stay in your own country you will know exactly what your government has to say about your freedom. "You have none. Get the fuck over it." Whilst, their policies may suck, at least they are up front about the lack of rights and freedoms. I would rather live under a government that is up front about their lack of freedoms/rights, than one that says I have them and then turns around and says I don't. I am done with Hypocritical.

Not to mention our treatment (as a country) of various ethnic groups, homosexuals, pot heads (I'll explain), Jews, women and religious groups. The list of people that America has offended in one way or another is simply horrendous. Did you know that it is okay in the town I grew up in to chase a person out of town because of her religious views?

I had a friend, Faheema, who was Muslim. She was from Pakistan and the town I grew up in chased her and her whole family out of town because they couldn't get over September 11, 2001. The year she got run out was 2005. While this young lady was in school she was told she couldn't wear her traditional dress, because it was "offensive". Her rights were violated, but that's okay, no one cares about a Muslim girl. This same town had an organized Ku Klux Klan meeting shortly after I went to school dressed as a Muslim girl. In this town, any Asian person is still called a "dirty Jap" because of World War II!! And this particular young woman wasn't even Japanese!! She was Chinese!

Another example of the USA's hypocrisy, our treatment of the President of Iran last year. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, sixth president of Iran, wanted to pay his respects at Ground Zero. He was denied this. Why? Because it was a "security risk". Excuse me?! A security risk? How the hell is it a security risk to allow a man to pay respects at a destroyed piece of ground? He wanted to lay a wreath at the site, OH MY GOD! We can't let him lay a fucking wreath at the base of a destroyed landmark. My God, that would just be awful! You know why it was a "security risk"? Because he is Muslim, because he is from Iran, because America is the most prejudiced country in the world, she just doesn't have the balls to admit it! What more harm could be done to Ground Zero? My step-father said once that it was "sacrilegious". Sacrilegious? You're kidding right? How is it sacrilegious to allow someone to pay respects to the dead and the destruction of two buildings? Ground Zero isn't holy ground. Yes, horrible things happened there, but you know what? Worse things have happened at other places and you can read about them in the links at the end.

Yes, we have definitely come away from Slavery (by the way, if you think that slavery only applies to Black people, here is a hint: it doesn't. Native Americans were enslaved, Asians were enslaved, White people were enslaved if they tried to help others escape. Slavery was committed against almost all races in the USA before its abolishment), the Trail of Tears, the Interracial Marriage laws, etc. But we haven't come very far. The unrest over interracial marriages is lying restlessly in its grave and Same-sex marriage is still struggling to get off the ground.

To try and better explain myself, I'm going to post a conversation I was having with my beloved Pomegranate and her friend, Sakuya on messenger.

Sarai says:
so I feel like blogging about how much I hate America.
Pomegranate says:
well silly you shouldn't hate America you are living here
Pomegranate says:
but you could dislike it
Sarai says:
Ah, but I do so very much.
Sarai says:
Sakuya says:
I hate America.... and I'm half CHEROKEE. America is ours..... Ya'll just stole it...
Sarai says:
I am part Cherokee as well.
Sarai says:
I just hate how hypocritical we are
Sakuya says:
Sarai says:
Pomegranate says:
hey I had nothing to do with it...
Sarai says:
I know, Pome
Sarai says:
I don't hate you
Pomegranate says:
I am the innocent one...
Sarai says:
Pomegranate says:
thats nice to know
Sarai says:
I just hate how Hypocritical America is. I am tired of living in a country where we say "Freedom, Freedom" and then no one has any real freedom. People are still murdered for what they believe, for their colour, for their sexual preferences. I am so SICK OF HYPOCRITES!
Pomegranate says:
I don't hate anything... I just strongly disagree with our Ideals as Americans.
Sakuya says:
Sakuya says:
you need to read my recent blog then
Pomegranate says:
I told her she did.
Pomegranate says:
Well I think anywhere you go you will find hypocrites because we are all human. And we do fuck up and misjudge people. God knows I have dealt with that a million times... But I learn from it. I do have to say though... that I am sick of being judged. It depresses me people stop talking to me because of other friends.. I am saddened by it.
Sarai says:
Sweetie, I'm not talking about hypocritical people. I'm talking about hypocritical government. At least in other countries they come right out and say YOU CAN'T DO THIS!
Sarai says:
And I'm tired of the people who support this government and allow it to continue
Sarai says:
That's why I want Obama so badly. I think he might be able to help out and maybe change some of the problems. Plus it will show that anyone can be president. not just some old white man
Sakuya says:
Pomegranate says:
My opinion on that remains to myself. I don't voice my opinions on a lot of things like this anymore.
Sakuya says:
I'm tired of them telling us we can't get married....
Sarai says:
Sakuya says:
And letting our people be beaten and brutalized.... and murdering our children, and then NOT getting the same punishment they would have gotten for killing a straight man!
Sarai says:
Exactly!! That's what I'm talking about. The same goes for people of different religions and nationalities. The whole system is fucked up. And no one seems to care

This country was stolen from the Native Americans, built on the blood of millions of Native Americans, Black people, Asian people and poor Europeans. Then we deny said peoples the right to do anything. The USA denies them the rights to practice their religion, to marry whomever they choose, to learn, to work. We deny people the right to speak up, even though we have the right to free speech written into our laws.

Okay, I'm sure everyone is wondering why I put pot heads into the mix. Well, as much as I hate to say it, the situation in California is messed up. The constitution says that the Government (Federal Government) shall not interfere with the laws of the individual states (this is supposed to make it so that the Democratic Republic doesn't become a Communistic Republic). California law states that the use of Marijuana (or Pot) is legal if used for medical reasoning. They have shops in California for the legal sale of Marijuana as a prescribed drug to someone who is ill. Even though it is perfectly legal in the state of California, the government (Federal Government) still comes in and closes it down and places innocent people in jail. And in case you didn't read what I said a moment ago, it is Against the constitution to interfere with the individual state government. I would call it "interfering" to close a legal shop and arrest innocent people when it isn't against the law in said State.

If you are wondering why I have women in there, I guarantee that it is not for the reason that you think. I am one of those people that believe that if we want things equal they are going to be equal in all things. Did you know that women are less likely to receive the death penalty here for the plain and simple fact that she has a vagina? I don't believe in that. Women fought so hard for equal rights, the right to work alongside men, to die in battle with men. They deserve to be put to death if they commit horrendous crimes. And there have been women who have done horrible things, the same as any man. I just believe that if you believe in equal rights, it should be equal in all forms of the word.

For more information on the horrors that the United States Government has committed on various peoples, you can go to the following websites. I hope you will read what these websites have to say, because it is important that everyone understand what is REALLY going on here!!

For more information on anything you have read in this blog you may feel free to write me a message on my MySpace or e-mail me at

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