Friday, September 26, 2008

My Hair, the not-as-interesting sequels... (dA)

Journal Entry: Fri Sep 26, 2008, 7:00 PM
  • Mood: Uneasy
  • Listening to: Kowarete iku Sekai - Girugamesh
  • Eating: Toast
  • Drinking: Mt. Dew
Okay, so as a birthday present my aunt is going to dye my hair for me. My roots are showing!! Lol. You know it doesn't look that bad but i do want to try another color. So we are going to go with a purple-red color and see how that goes. Will have to borrow the camera from jerk-face (aka: my former step-father) again so that I can post pictures of it when it is done.

I hope this one works better than the last one. But you know, my aunt has been doing my hair for years, so i think it will. :shrug: Oh well.

Moving on, am working on some new poetry, but have been very distracted by this lovely person called my boyfriend. :D A lot of interesting stuff going on there and I guess I'm still trying to figure it out. I hope to have the return of my muse soon. :D

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