Sunday, August 31, 2008

Therein Lies Madness

Banish the demons of nights wasted and forgotten.
Forget I ever met you, or gazed upon your visage.
I wish I could remember the times when love lie within.
Herein forever-more only lies Madness.

Insanity wrapped her arms about my ragged shoulders,
breathing her sweeter poisons into my blood.
I guess that's what happens when the dark claims you.
Grasp the air in hungry fists, to full of moonlight's blood.

Now I am made of china, cracked and chipped,
a doll that has long been abandoned. The bones are
brittle, the taste of irony and semen spill out of my
lips. Who knew dolls could be violated and spoiled?

Standing up, my bones are shattered, my blood is
tainted with your impurities. Your needles are on the
floor, the bite marks imprinted on the skin around
the stains.

The apple rolls away from her perfect lips, that one
bite seals her fate. She is china too, except she is
perfect. Behind those violet eyes lies the madness in
my soul, creeping up behind to steal us both.

Ebony flakes of thought flutter down to us, trapped
like black butterflies in glass jars. Our tears wrap
crystal arms about the hour-glasses, shaped by our
destinies entwined and adored by lust.

Puppets on our strings, dancing to music that no one
can hear. Therein lies our madness, the drugs fill
our veins, catalyzed by the pain. Morphed by caged
butterflies and forbidden desires.

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