Monday, August 18, 2008

How Prince Not-so-Charming got the girl (or: How Sarai Finally Got a Boyfriend)

Once upon a time...

Okay, so it wasn't exactly a fairy tale beginning. In fact when this story began I was anything but in love.

To begin, I found someone. A guy that I really like. Yes, this guy is real. No, he isn't famous. Yes, I know him in real life.

His name is Donnie (pictures of him can be found in my Friends and Family folder). He is a month and a day younger than me (I was born 9/25/1988 and he was born 10/26/1988). We love a lot of the same things to.
Including, but not limited to:
Strawberry Milk
Classical Music
Foreign horror films
Movies that screw with your mind
Fire and
And did I mention that he loves "Electric Cucumber" by hide?

I can hear the different questions forming:
"How did you meet?", "How long have you been together?", "Why is your blog titled 'Prince Not-so-Charming'?", etc.

To begin, I knew of Donnie in June when my mother told me that my brother, Christopher, had made a new friend. She described him to me as being very much like my brother, so at first I was thinking "Oh God, another Christopher." Other than that I didn't think any more about him.

Then, the day after I got back to Indiana, I met him. And, at first, he was anything but Prince Charming. Hence the title Prince Not-so-Charming. But that was only at first. After we got past his verbal meanness (which he has apologized for several times. He attributes it to "playful teasing". Or, his attempt at "playful".), we discovered that we had a lot in common. I have never connected with a man like I have with Donnie. In fact it almost seems like I'm in a dream half the time.

We are both open-minded, free spirits and I can't even begin to explain how unreal this feeling is. Not to mention that, for once, someone (to be specified, a man) likes me for ME.

He officially asked me out on August 5th and I said yes (obviously). And so far it has been really nice. We both have to get used to being with someone again (its been 3 years for both of us), but its really nice having someone I can talk to about anything.

The sadness of this situation is the fact that he can't come to Oklahoma with me when I go back. And I can't stay here. And yes, it is as shitty as it sounds. I guess I knew that it was to good to last long, but I plan on enjoying it while I can. Maybe things will change between now and when I go back to OK, but for now I just plan on living and loving like my life depends on it.

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