Sunday, August 24, 2008

Disturbia (dA)

Journal Entry: Sun Aug 24, 2008, 7:28 AM
  • Mood: Content
  • Listening to: Disturbia - Rihanna
  • Watching: Donnie sleep *giggle*
  • Eating: Cheerios
  • Drinking: Strawberry Milk
Today (August 24th) I have posted a new poem. Surprisingly I was able to write. I thought I was to happy to write any of my usual stuff, but I wrote anyway. :shrug:

Hope you enjoy it.

Any other news, plans are in the works to try, once again, to get my hair to go purple w/ivory tips. If this doesn't work I've decided to go with blood red.

Posted a picture of said hair the other day and I hope you all enjoyed it. :D

I'm off of here, gotta go and see how the BF is doing! :giggle:

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