Monday, August 18, 2008

Still Living... :D (dA)

Journal Entry: Mon Aug 18, 2008, 10:00 AM
  • Mood: Euphoric
  • Listening to: Dance like there is no tomorrow - Paula Abdul
  • Reading: Exquisite Corpse
  • Watching: Donnie sleep *giggle*
  • Eating: nothing
  • Drinking: Chai tea.
Hey everyone!!! I know, its been FOREVER, but I'm still ticking. Been a little under the weather and have been in a place where there is NO internet. *sigh*

Good news, I gots me a boyfriend!! :D I know, Sarai is finally stepping out of her shell. :) I loves him... :heart:

Soon, I promise to attempt to write some poetry, but right now I'm in one of those dry spells. Forgive me!!

I promise to favorite everyone's work later when I have more time, but I still love you all. Even if I am busy as hell.

Godson still hasn't been born, but sometime this month he should arrive. :D yay godsons!!

Did I mention that I've gone almost 24 hours without sleep today? No? Well I have... I am going to go and crash now, :hug: to everyone!!

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