Monday, August 18, 2008

Our World and the people that could help, but don’t.

This blog reflects my opinions and not necessarily those of MySpace and/or Tom. If you are offended by anything I say, don't continue reading.

Okay the blog I promised. Yes, I'm about to rant about something else I've been thinking over. I know that those who've been subscribed since the beginning have endured several (topics including, but not limited to: Holidays, my family, people who rape children, etc.). I just can't seem to help writing on topics that move me. If you don't like it you may refer to the above disclaimer.

Moving on: People who could help out our world (because they have the money to) but won't for whatever foolish reason.

Prime Example: Paris Hilton (whom I've also ranted about in the past). She has all this money that could go towards charities or feeding children who are starving on the streets, or some other worthy cause. Instead it is spent on the latest clothes, drinking/partying, cars, cellphones, custom shoes and bailing her ass out of jail. Remember how she was going to go to Africa after she got out of jail? Granted it was only to save the elephants, but she still should've gone through with it. As of today, she still has not gone to Africa.

Now there are some people who have picked a cause and stuck with it. Not all "famous" people are selfish and greedy.

Hayden Panettiere has been fighting for the safety of whales for a while now. She has been using her status as an actress to get more support for these gentle giants. I think its cool that she cares about the environment and Earth's animals.

I don't understand it, really. Why aren't more "famous" people (and regular people too doing things like Hayden? Why aren't more people in general trying to help out? If someone could explain it to me, I'd appreciate it.

Who needs a huge house? Who needs 15 cars? These, so-called, famous peoplehave the money to help out, but it gets blown on superfluous materials (i.e. drugs, alcohol, cars, big houses, etc). Not to mention that these material things they can't even take care of themselves! My mother says that it is an economy without which we could not survive. THese people provide work for others, so it still works out.

Someone asked me once, why do I want to be "famous"? So people would remember me long after I'm gone? So I can finally have nice things? Truth of the matter is this: it is ALL about the Money. If I'm going to preach how more people with the cash should help out then I damn well better practice what I preach.

I want to help! Did you know that there are millions of children starving to death every year? And its not just in foreign countries, either. There are thousands (maybe millions) of children HERE in the USA who die every year from starvation and neglect. They live in Rural areas and, news bulletin, Feed the Children does NOT help the children here in the States. They only help those over-seas.

Another tidbit: There are thousands of people without health insurance here in the states (myself included). These people still get sick and still need healthcare. Then there are thousands of who would like to further their education (myself included) who do not qualify for financial aid or their scholarships get taken away (my friend, Sam, had her scholarships yanked and her grants taken away even though she did everything required of her). I could go on and on about the many different things that are going on that those who are financially blessed can help out with, but don't.

I do not need a huge house or 15 cars or fancy dresses I would only wear once. A roof over my head, a car that runs, food to eat, thats all I really need.

Why be greedy? If I have millions then why not share with everyone else? Why not help those who need it? In the end you can't take your money with you so share the wealth.

I guess what I'm trying to say is this:
If God (or whoever runs this universe) has blessed you with wealth of a monetary kind, give to other people!! And even if you don't have that much money to give, give your time. I.E. Volunteer. If we have the means and/or the opportunity to help out then we should!

And, just for clarification, I'm not trying to show off my virtues. I cannot say, for certain, that I wouldn't be just as greedy as Paris Hilton if I had the money she does. I hope I wouldn't, but I can't predict the future.

Just for everyone to know, this is the first installment of "Issues that Sarai is outspoken, passionate and opinionated about" series of blogs.

In the meantime, take care and I hope someone who reads this takes it to heart. If even one person tries to help out after reading this (or other blogs) I've done my job.

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