Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Second Update for the Olympics!!

Hello One and All!!! This is the second week of Updates for the Sex Olympics!!!
I know that you all have been on the edges of your seats, eager to find out more from our field reporter. I am afraid however that our reporter was attacked by an angry trans-gender badger on crack and is in the hospital... He was able to give us a partial update right before the attack, but that was caught on fire by the crack smoking badger... So, I'll give you what I have:

Sarai seems to have caught up enough to have qualified for the last round of the games (which will air on Nov. 1st). She won three medals this round including:
-The Silver Medal for Perfect Performance with Mickey from DBSK
-The Gold Medal for Vocals with Bi Rain
-The Bronze Medal for Most Creative Positions with Attack from the TRAX

The Virgin Pomegranate trails behind The Champion Fawn by ONE Gold Medal.
She won:
-The Gold Medal for Perfect Performance with Hero of DBSK
-The Gold Medal for Technique with Xiah of DBSK
-The Gold Medal for Precision with All of DBSK
-The Silver Medal for Most Creative Positions with Typhoon from the TRAX

The Fawn has the following medals for this past week:
-The Gold Medal for Most Creative Positions with Rose formerly of the TRAX
-The Gold Medal for Form with Se7en
-The Gold Medal for Duration with Typhoon from the TRAX
-The Gold Medal for Perfection in all Categories with all the members of DBSK

Next week will be the final update for the Sex Olympics. We will declare the winner based upon the most medals one in the three weeks of work.
Stay tuned!!

1 comment:

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