Monday, October 20, 2008

Thank You’s

I just want to say thank you to all my fantastic friends, because they are Amazing people.

They hold me up when I am at my weakest
They lend me their shoulders when I need to cry
They lend me money when I'm broke
They offer to take me places when I can't get there on my own
They send me messages when I feel lonely
They come over and just sit with me when I'm bored
They call at just the right moments to let me know that they are thinking about me
They offer to kill people for me
They build up my self-esteem
They make me go with them even when I don't feel like it
They make me smile
They give the best hugs and always know when I need one
They are INSANE and CRAZY and they make me giggle-snort
They put up with my Insanity
They embarrass me
They make me strong
They help me up when I've fallen down, after they stop laughing of course
They are some of the most AMAZING people I know and I am so grateful to have you all. Thank you for everything you do, everything you say, every hug, every time you have leant me your shoulders. THANK YOU!!!

Now, today has been most productive!! I am actually having a much better day today then when I posted my last blog. And I appreciate all the comments of encouragement on the last one. I really do appreciate you guys, even if I don't always show it.

Today I have gone out and gotten applications, tomorrow I will turn them in.
I have finished all my paper applications for the following places:
- Aldi's
- Fairfield Inn (This one has already been turned in)
- Jo-Ann Fabrics
- Goodwill
- Homewood Suites
- Movie Gallery
- Barnes & Noble

I have to fill out the following applications online:
- Borders
- Sam's Club
- Wal-Mart

And either Tomorrow or Wednesday I am going to pick up applications from the following:
- Hobby Lobby
- Michael's
- Showplace 12 and 11
- And any other place that I might be interested in!

Also, I called up a former employer of mine to see if she would be needing my services again. I used to baby-sit and clean for her. I left her a message with my newest house number so that she can call me back and let me know. Tomorrow I have to work for my Aunt and at the Book Store. Then on my way home from work I will drop off my already finished applications.

Other things I need to accomplish this week include:
- Setting up a doctor's appointment at the Volunteers In Medicine Clinic
- Look for apartments in all the areas that I applied so that I know price ranges and general locations in case I get a job in any of the places I applied
- Get a bus schedule
- Call up my friends about the Halloween Party I'm having on October 31st
- Finish planning the party

If anyone needs me, you all know where to find me. *huggles*

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