Friday, October 10, 2008


Is my beloved dead? Does his heart lie still upon the shores?
Has he left me to travel to the Elysian fields and ne'er return?
I am Halcyon, restless bird upon roughened waves, searching
and wandering, calling for my lover.

Ceyx, my Ceyx, why hast thou left your faithful wife? Drown'd
upon forsaken oceans, washed upon star-swept shores?
Sinking slowly, the satin soft waters filling my thirsty lungs in
place of air. Still searching for your still form in these tepid seas.

Our bodies touch, warmth to chill. Your eyes are closed, pale
and bruised visage, so delicate in death. I am entranced and
embraced by Pluto's arms, he is ready to take us both. I will
follow where ye shall go, I shall rest where ye shall choose to lie.

Oh Gods, give him back to me. Let the air return to drenched
lungs and movement back to empty bones. Please don't let our
love end like this. Take pity and return us to life, please. Take
his hand in mine, close my eyes, let this coffin of water bury us.

I am Halcyon, drowned for love. Born again a bird, flying o'er
the seas in which I met my doom. Ceyx, my lover and husband,
a bird too, never far from me. Floating upon my father's breath,
adrift these restless waves for eternity.

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