Friday, October 3, 2008

The Legalization of Marijuana

The views stated in this blog have no reflection on in any way, shape or form. The opinions here in are my own and I take full responsibility for them. If you are offended by anything I have to say, please refrain from reading this. If you proceed in reading this blog and find that you are offended, please do not comment trying to start an argument. If you have a problem with my views you may kindly do one of two things:
1. Remove me from your list of blogs.
2. Refrain from reading further blogs.
I am in no way endorsing the use of Marijuana with this blog.
If you have anything constructive to say, you may post a comment. I am interested in knowing people's different views on what I say. If you have nothing constructive to say, you may send me a message. I won't allow comments that are destructive on my blog. Thank you.

Lets begin with this:
"Marijuana is a green, brown, or gray mixture of dried, shredded leaves, stems, seeds, and flowers of the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa). Cannabis is a term that refers to marijuana and other drugs made from the same plant. Other forms of cannabis include sinsemilla, hashish, and hash oil. All forms of cannabis are mind-altering (psychoactive) drugs." (

"Cannabis, a fast-growing bushy annual with dense sticky flowers, produces the psychoactive THC. It is the most widely used illegal psychoactive..." (

Okay, so we all know what Marijuana is. I'm sure that some of those who read this have friends who smoke "pot" or have smoked it themselves. I have several friends who use Marijuana, I've been around people who were smoking it. Personally, the stuff makes me ill. I think I might actually be allergic to it! So why am I writing about the legalization of this drug? Well its because I happen to believe that it is a good idea.

I can just imagine the looks on everyone's faces right about now. "Sarai wants the legalization of Marijuana?! WTF?!" And I'm sure that some people are saying "Isn't her father a drug addict? Why would she want drugs legalized?". One should note that I only said the legalization of Marijuana, not all drugs. And yes, my father is a drug addict.

Truth of the matter is that I've actually read up on this and watched documentaries (Super High Me. Everyone should watch that movie. It had a lot of insights into the world of Marijuana use and was actually very educational). Now, my reasoning for wanting Marijuana legalized is purely political. I don't how many people on here pay attention to the politics here in our country, but the United States of America is in debt. Massively so.

"America has become more a debt 'junkie' - - than ever before
with total debt of $53 Trillion - - and the highest debt ratio in history." (

Debt is awful for the economy, and am I the only who has noticed that we are headed for a Second Depression? I don't know about you all, but I do not want to have to go through a Depression. Our Grandparents and Great-Grandparents had to survive that and they don't speak very highly about it!

"Currently, control over the marijuana market is left in the hands of the criminal black market. As such, proceeds from marijuana sales are kept in the underground economy. The profits go untaxed, and the money generated is kept off the books. Fortune magazine estimated the potential tax earnings from legal marijuana sales at $11 billion per year, and that only accounts for taxes on the marijuana, not including taxes on the income generated by the legal sellers, distributors, and producers." (

Another thing, everyone who has ever had any experience with Marijuana will know what I'm talking about, the taxes from the sales of food to people who smoke pot. Munchies = money spent on food by people with said munchies. Going back though, "$11 billion per year" and that only accounts for taxes on the Marijuana itself! That would not only be good for the economy, but good for helping get this country out of National Debt!! Wouldn't that be nice?

Now, moving on to Medical Marijuana usage.
This has to be one of the most controversial reasons to use Marijuana. Though physicians are usually divided over it, there does seem to be some validation to the saying that "Mary Jane" helps those in pain.

"Myth: Marijuana Has No Medicinal Value. Safer, more effective drugs are available. They include a synthetic version of THC, marijuana's primary active ingredient, which is marketed in the United States under the name Marinol.
"Fact: Marijuana has been shown to be effective in reducing the nausea induced by cancer chemotherapy, stimulating appetite in AIDS patients, and reducing intraocular pressure in people with glaucoma. There is also appreciable evidence that marijuana reduces muscle spasticity in patients with neurological disorders. A synthetic capsule is available by prescription, but it is not as effective as smoked marijuana for many patients. Pure THC may also produce more unpleasant psychoactive side effects than smoked marijuana." (

I have a friend who has severe back problems, when he smokes Marijuana his back doesn't hurt as bad. Because his pain is inhibited by the THC. I know that this isn't actual proof to anyone, but I've seen him in such pain that he could barely move, then when he had a joint he was at least able to move around and relax. So, its proof enough to me.

Now, I'm not saying that Marijuana should be able to be smoked anywhere and everywhere. I do believe that it should not be allowed to smoke in public, I feel the same way about cigarettes. There are people everywhere who don't want to be exposed to the smoke, so it should be legal to smoke it in the privacy of your own home and in certain cafes designed for that reason.

F(or)Y(our)I(nformation): Prohibition has NEVER worked. Look through-out history and you will see that it doesn't. Banning it isn't going to stop people from buying it or growing it or using it. And if it can help our economy, help people in pain and help us get out of National Debt, does it really do that much harm?

I leave you all with this final statistic that I found:

TOBACCO ........................ 400,000
ALCOHOL ........................ 100,000
ALL LEGAL DRUGS ................ 20,000
ALL ILLEGAL DRUGS .............. 15,000
CAFFEINE ....................... 2,000
ASPIRIN ........................ 500
MARIJUANA ...................... 0
Source: United States government.
National Institute on Drug Abuse,
Bureau of Mortality Statistics

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