Saturday, May 3, 2008

Seriousness and a quiz I made myself... :)


1. Favorite Song (you don't have to pick just one)?
Right now my current favorite song is "On My Way Here" by Clay Aiken, but then again my favorite songs change and shift. I like way to many things to really have a true favorite.

2. Favorite Colour(s)?
Black, Living Green and Crimson

3. Favorite time of day?
Twilight. Everything is so beautiful in the twilight.

4. Favorite Day of the Week?
Saturday. It is one of the most awesome days of the week.

5. Last one: Favorite Actor/Actress? (preferably one of each)
Wentworth Miller / Keira Knightley


6. Abortion?
I believe that abortion is murder. I can understand if a girl has been raped and doesn't want to keep the child. I can understand when both the mother and the child's lives are in danger. I still don't approve of it, but I can understand it in certain circumstances.

7. Homosexuality?
My thoughts on Homosexuality are as follows: I don't really agree with the practice, but that doesn't stop me from befriending those who are. Just because they have there own beliefs doesn't mean that I can't be friends with them. It is their life to live, not mine. And if they are happy, who am I to judge?

8. The Economy?
Our economy is kind of all going to hell in a hand basket right now. Taxes and other costs are spiraling out of control. It is a pretty sad day when you have to pay between 4 and 5 dollars for 1 gallon of gasoline.

9. The Presidential Race?
I am, personally, for Obama. I dislike Hilary Clinton and will move to Canada if she is elected!! Well, probably can't move to Canada, but I'll wallow in misery. And as to McCain, something about the man isn't right and he makes me incredibly ill. I can't explain it, but gut feeling makes me wary of him.

10. The Immigrant Problem?
I can understand why people would want to live in the states. Supposedly it is a good place to live. A lot more freedom than in other countries. But I think our handling of the situation sucks and that instead of building walls, we should be trying to reach an agreement. If we build the walls, spend the money to keep our neighbours out, then one day when we need them, the walls will be keeping us in.

Right Now

11. What are you reading?
Battle Royale by Koushun Takami

12. What are you worrying about?
A varying amount of things. Examples: men, my poetry, my hospital bill, my weight... whether or not I'll ever be able to eat again after this damnable flu.

13. Listening to?
NOWHEREGOD by Miyavi... Fawny is in a Miyavi mood today.

14. Plans?
To work on some poetry, continue reading "Battle Royale", avoid Fawny's cousin... :)

15. Hopes?
My current hopes are that I will get over this flu. And get over this confusion about things...


16. A Memory from when you were 10?
I went to public school for the first time. (I had been homeschooled before that) I remember winning a writing contest (along with my friend Chelsey) and we got to walk into a special lunch on the arms of an Astronaut. I don't remember his name, but I do remember how exciting it was!

17. How much was Gasoline when you were 12?
Um, I think it was $1.10? I don't really remember!

18. Did you have a special stuffed animal or other things?
Yes. His name was Aslan and he was a Lion Puppet. I still have him actually.

19. Favorite Memory?
Discovering a Native American Indian camp in the woods about a mile and 1/2 from our house when I was 9 or 10.

20. Biggest thing in the News when you were 13?
Well, September 11th had just happened days before I turned 13. So the news was still focused on that. I remember feeling very overwhelmed by the fact that I had just turned 13 and our country was being attacked. It was very scary.

Have You Ever...

21. Drank?

22. Smoked?
Attempted to yes.

23. Had Sex?

24. Cursed?
Yes. Who hasn't in this day and age?

25. Done Drugs?


26. Favorite Horror Flick?
Pray (Purei). It was a Japanese Horror film, I enjoyed it! It was one of those that totally messed with your mind!

27. What Movie are you currently waiting for?
The Dark Knight (Heath Ledger's last movie) and Bunraku (Gackt's newest film)

28. Sappy Movies?
Eh, I can do without. Every now and again I enjoy a movie that will make me cry, but only every now and again. On a regular basis they make me want to barf!

29. All time Favorite?
All time favorite movie.... Hm, I have so many!! But I think its a tie between "Sweeney Todd: Demon Barber of Fleet Street" and "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof". Those two are two of the best movies I've ever seen. Though, I've seen a great variety of good movies.

30. Like any Foreign Films?
Yes!! I love foreign films!! My current favs are "Moon Child" (starring Gackt) and Pray (Purei).


31. Favorite Quote?
"Anger clouds the mind, that it cannot perceive the truth." Cato the Elder

32. Favorite Author?
Edgar Allan Poe

33. Do you enjoy poetry? If yes, who is your favorite Poet?
Yes! I love poetry. Both the reading of and writing. I particularly love the poetry of Lord Byron and Dante Aligheri.

34. Favorite Book?
The Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop. Okay, its actually 3 books, but its really AWESOME!! I suggest it to anyone over the age of 17 or 18. Because there is some adult content, it is very MILD compared to other things I've read, but it does have it still.

35. Favorite Fictional Character? And Why?
Hm, *strokes chin* I suppose its a vicious tie between Loki (A Norse God, though some would argue that he is not fictional, to me he is.) and Rhett Butler (Gone with the Wind). Loki is so incredibly clever and so very EVIL , that I can't help but love him! He is very much intelligent and sometimes funny as well. I just adore him. And then there is Rhett... What can I say about Rhett Butler?! He is suave, playful, he tries so hard to not let the true emotions come up to the surface and he is so wonderfully amazingly Masculine! I love them both!

This, That or Both

36. Coke or Pepsi?

37. Chocolate or Vanilla?

38. Old or New Cars?

39. Day or Night?

40. Love or Lust?


41. If you were to dye your hair a crazy colour what would it be?
Purple and White. I think it would look cool, ya know? Dye the top of it this deep purple and then dye the last inch snow white!

42. Do you believe in any Mythological Creatures?
Yes. I believe in Mermaids, Dragons and Unicorns. To me, they are not mythology, but instead are dreams that disappeared and all we are left with are the stories.

43. Who/what did you want to be when you were growing up?
I wanted to be Elvis' wife *blush*, and I wanted to be a "baby doctor" (as in deliever babies) in China as a missionary.

44. If you could visit any place where would it be? (Including any place in existence in this universe!) And Why?
Egypt. Because there is so much history underneath the sand. I have always wanted to go there, I want to see the pyramids and the sphinx. :)

45. Do you want to get any tattoos? If yes, what kind do you want?
YES! A million times yes! I want one of a bleeding rose on either my leg or my back... haven't quite decided yet. Of course, I have like 6 tattoos I want to get someday :)

46. Do you have any piercings? If yes, what kind?
No, not yet. But I want to get my ears pierced and i want a tiny nose stud.

47. Favorite cologne/perfume?
On men I love the smell of Axe or Tag. Either is really awesome. On me, I like anything that smells like vanilla. There is this one kind I like, but all I remember is that it is called "Amber Jewel" and I couldn't tell you who makes it!

48. Favorite hairstyle? (On either sex)
For myself, I like it when its down and curly. I hate the way I look with it up, but I also hate the way I look when it is down and the curls are squished. On men, I like hair that is just long enough for me to play with, other than that I don't care if it has any particular "style".

49. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
Acting and writing in Hollywood, Traveling the world like I want to so badly! I see myself all over the place in the next 5 years!

50. This is the last Question: Where do you see yourself this Autumn?
At an X-Japan concert in New York and finally going to college!

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