Thursday, May 15, 2008

Explanation for so many Blogs

Hello to Everyone who reads my blogs,
I am sorry to flood your inboxes with my ramblings, but today it needed to be done.
About a year or so ago, I set up a MySpace for my Church (New Community Church of Spencer), which has since ceased to exist. Since I am currently unable to get into the e-mail that I used to create the MySpace I can't delete it. Instead I have gone about the process of "gutting" it. I have gone ahead and left the blogs up, but I am waiting for the day when I can officially delete it.
In the meantime, I felt that the blogs I posted there were just as important and give a bit of an insight into my spiritual life. Although I'm sure that most of my friends already know where I stand as far as my Christianity, I want to show you more of me. And thats whats happening there.
Once again, I'm sorry to flood your inbox with blogs!! Needed to be done and I promise that for today, I'm done blogging... be forewarned after Midnight however, I'll be at it again, as I still have not posted the other parts of my story that I'm working on. (Not that anyone cares! Lol)

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