Saturday, May 31, 2008

Getting to Know you (begins singing the song from "The King and I")

Explain something to me, cause I'd really like to know.

Lets say that you have a friend on MySpace, okay? Now this particular friend, you don't know them very well, but you want to get to know them better. They seem to be a really cool person and you just want to make a new friend. Now, here's the catch: They check their MySpace everyday, read your blogs, etc... but they actually could care less about having a MySpace and therefore don't respond to messages. Now, you aren't priveledged to have their other contact info since they don't like messaging on MySpace you are pretty much screwed.

What is the point of having a MySpace if you never contact anyone? If you never actually write someone just to see how the weather is or to talk about the latest movie. I understand if you have a life, if you are busy or what not... But if you have time to be reading my blogs, please try to make the time to write me. Yeah you are getting to know me better, beginning to regret adding me as a friend, at least extend me the same courtesy. I don't care what we talk about, as long as some semblance of a conversation occurs. That or give me your e-mail.

My e-mail for anyone who may or may not need it is :
Complicated I know... or you could have this one :
that is less complex.


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