Sunday, May 25, 2008

The ABC’s of the Sarai

The Letter A

Are you available?:

Favorite Anime?:
Death Note, Case Closed

Animated or Live Action movies?:

Do you like Aerosmith?:
Um, I like one song. Dream On is really good.

The Letter B

Favorite Book?
The Black Jewels Trilogy, Dracula, The Inferno, Gone with the Wind

Enjoy Myspace Bulletins?
When I'm bored, yes.

Eats away at my soul!!

Basketball or Baseball?
Basketball. I can actually play that, usually...

The Letter C

Favorite Candy?
Anything Chocolate

How do you like your chocolate?
Reese's Cups is how I like my Chocolate.

Afraid of Clowns?

Carnivals or Circuses?
I don't think I've ever been to a Carnival or a Circus. So I can't choose!

The Letter D

Do you daydream?:
All the time

What's your favorite kind of dog?:
Australian Shepherd, Rotteweiler and Dobermans

Favorite day of the week?

Ever done drugs?

The Letter E

Energy Drinks?
MONSTER!!! lol. I like some energy drinks.

Have you ever been in the emergency room?:
So many times that I've lost count!!

Do you like Elephants?
Yes. They are wonderfully amazing creatures!

Ever been in an Earthquake?

The Letter F

Have you ever flown in a plane?:

Do you like any foreign music?
A lot of my music is foreign actually

Favorite Foreign Film?
A Tale of Two Sisters (BEST MOVIE EVER!!)

Biggest Fear(s)?
Not living life to the fullest, rape, closed spaces and spiders (except for the pink ones!)

The Letter G

Goats or Giraffes?

Do you believe in God?

Do you like gummy candies?:
YES!! Dang it, now I want Gummy Bears!

Best gift to give you?
Books. Anything in Book form, I'll love.

The Letter H

How old are you?:
19. I'll be 20 in September

What color is your hair?:

Favorite kind of Horse?
Arabians, Palominos and Mustangs

How's your heart?

The Letter I

What's your favorite ice cream?:
Butter Pecan and Plain old Vanilla

Are you Insecure?
Yes. Unfortunately.

Do you play an instrument?:
Only my voice. Fawny has promised to teach me guitar though. I would really love to learn the piano too.

Do you have an Idol?
Well, we shouldn't have idols, but I have heroes. I guess the two can be mixed up sometimes...

The Letter J

What's your favorite jelly bean brand?:
Jelly Belly's!

Do you wear jewelry?:

Favorite type of juice?
White Grape (Elven Wine!)

Do you Jump Rope?
Well, I haven't for a while, but I do like to jump rope.

The Letter K

Who do you want to kill?:
Barry, my step-father's "friend". The man is evil and I personally hope he rots in hell.

Do you want kids?:
No thanks. I've helped raise 4 of them and I'm good.

Ever done Karate?
No. I want to, but I've not yet.

Do you like kittens or puppies?

The Letter L

Ever been in Love?
Yes. Once, a long time ago...

Do you lie?:
Everyone Lies. So I have in my lifetime, yes.

Do you like Lions?
Yes. I do!

Live music or CDs?
Depends on who is playing the Live music...

The Letter M

Whats your favorite movie?:
Gone With the Wind, The Forbidden Kingdom, A Tale of Two Sisters and Moon Child

Do you still watch Disney movies?:
Yes, actually. I still enjoy Pocahontas, The Little Mermaid and Alice in Wonderland

Favorite Mythological Character(s)?
Sekmet and Anubis (Egyptian Mythology)

Do you believe in Mermaids?

The Letter N

Do you have a nickname?:
Sarah Belle, Sara ha ha, Haras, Sara Sue, Sara Lee, DQ, Mel

Night or Day?

Favorite Boy's Name?
David Michael

Favorite Girl's Name?
Troian Isolde

The Letter O

What's your one wish?:
To be thinner than I am now.

Are you an only child?:
No. I have 12 brothers and sisters. 5 adopted, 1 whole, 1 half and 5 dead.

One thing you love most?

Do you like the Ocean?
Yes. The ocean is where I reside in my mind...

The Letter P

Favorite type of Pasta?
Fettucine Alfredo

What are your pet peeves?:
Stupidity, misspellings, improper grammar...

Personality or Looks?

Do You like Pickles?
Yes, if they are Vlasic Dills...

The Letter Q

What's your favorite quote?
"A wise girl kisses but doesn't love. Listens but doesn't believe and leaves before she is left." Marilyn Monroe

If given the Opportunity to be Queen, would you?
No thanks. I have a hard enough time taking care of my own life without being in charge of everyone else's lives.

Quiet or Loud?
Depending on my mood, Both.

Do you have any quilts?
No. But I hope to make one, one day.

The Letter R

Do you write with your Left or Right?
Right (though I'm learning to write with my left as well)

How do you feel about Robin Hood?
I like him. He's a hero of mine.

Rich and Unhappy or Poor and Happy?
Poor and Happy. Who wants to be rich and unhappy?

Republican or Democrat?
I have a tendency to lean towards Democrat

The Letter S

Storms or Sunshine?
Storms! And sunshine... So i guess both!

Do you like snow?:
Yes. I just wish it wasn't so cold!!

Do you like Seafood?
Not really.

Favorite word that begins with S?

The Letter T

What time is it?:

Do you like tigers?

Do You need Therapy?

Favorite time of Day?
Twilight. Its so beautiful around that time.

The Letter U

Do you believe in Unicorns?

Is the Universe infinite?
I would like to think so.

Favorite type of underwear?
Regular, idk... I don't pay much attention to underwear.

Ever heard of Ukraine?

The Letter V

Favorite Vegetable?
Broccoli and Cabbage

Last Vacation?
To Florida about 4 years ago.

Ever played the Violin?
Yes. Not well, but I had a friend who let me try to play hers.

Views on Violence?
Violence doesn't solve anything in my opinion. But I have a tendency to want to fix things with violence.

The Letter W

What's your worst habit?:
Biting my nails and overeating...

Where do you live?:

Ever been to Washington DC?
No. Someday, but not yet.

Wash your own clothes?

The Letter X

Have you ever had an x-ray?:
Many times

Have you seen the x-games?:
Once or Twice, i think...

Do you own a xylophone?:
Not anymore :(

Favorite word that begins with X?
Xeric: Meaning Dry, without Moisture

The Letter Y

Do you like Yo-Yos?
Yes. I used to be fairly good at it too.

Ever visit YouTube?
All the time...

Describe Yourself in 5 words.
Crazy, Depressing, Naive, Hopeful, Annoying

What do you Yearn for most?
True Love

The Letter Z

Whats your zodiac sign?:

Do you believe in the zodiac?:
Yes and No. Its rather complicated actually...

Favorite zoo animal?:

They're cool. I always liked the fact that they are both black and white.

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