Friday, July 11, 2008

The Purple Hair LIVES!! (dA)

Journal Entry: Fri Jul 11, 2008, 11:58 AM
  • Mood: Eager
  • Listening to: Silence
  • Eating: Popcorn
  • Drinking: Water/Kool-Aid
Guess what?!

At 5pm today (my time) I will be getting my hair dyed purple!!! *dances* I'm SO excited.

After much tribulation trying to get dye and so on, I had finally got it and will have purple hair sometime today. Obviously I will take pictures and will post them on here when they are done. SO EXCITED!!!

BTW: Everyone should go and check out my friend DaYog's page. He is gone this weekend, and I really want him to have an inbox full of messages/favorites!!!


Still haven't finished my pants, They might not get done until after i get back from Indiana at this rate. And I'm leaving on Monday. I don't know how often I'll be online, but I'll try to make sure that everyone is updated.

much love to you all!!

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