Today we partially complete the process and I get my purple. I'll most likely have to wait until I get back from Indiana to take care of the Ivory tips, because I have to find a bluing agent that will fight the yellow that comes with bleaching. *shrug* no biggie, my family is already going to flip. But I love it.
I'm almost thinking of keeping my blonde hair. My aunt, Carmen, always said that I wouldn't look good as a blonde, but you know, I think I do.
I know, you all are bored by now ("God, we don't want to read about Sarai's hair!"). I don't exactly know what all is going on today, something was said about going to the mall. I know that in about an hour I'm doing the purple for my hair, from there I have no clue what will happen.
So, How is everyone else in my subscribers land? Send me a message, let me know how you are doing, or what you are up to!! You don't even have to send it here, you can send it to my e-mail:
Have a lovely day, ladies and gents!!
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