Secondly, let me say that there are actually Four films (thus far) in the so-called, Ju-on Saga. Unfortunately the fourth film (Ju-on: The Curse 2) refused to work. *pout* I wanted to see it tonight, damn it!! Oh well. Fawn says after I see the last Ju-on, I can graduate to Old Boy (a Korean horror film). Oh boy!!
Ju-on: The Grudge. One of the most amazing horror films I've seen up to date. It was genuinely amazing in every way. There was a subtle mind thread going through out the entire movie. This mind thread that keeps dragging you in and then twisting what you think you know so that it is upside down. All in all a wonderfully pleasing twist for the mind. I love movies that mess with your head!!
Ju-on: The Curse. I'll admit that I enjoyed this movie, but not as much as I thought I would. I was also not as freaked out as Fawn thought I would be. I had been forewarned by Fawn of a certain part. (Not for the faint of heart!!!) It was another good mind screw, one that left me going "What the hell was that?!"
Ju-on: The Grudge 2. My new FAVORITE film!! This movie was amazingly horrific. I enjoyed all the different blood soaked scenes and the mind screw that accompanied it. I stand in awe of the director and the actors. They did an amazing job. (by the way, this film re-affirmed my resistance to having children. After this movie I'm not sure i'll be able to be in the delivery room with Kendra!
And, because Fawn and I were disappointed with the fourth Ju-on not working, we watched "Cinderella", a Korean horror film. Another wonderfully amazing movie, with a great twist here and there, and another beautiful mind-screw. Though it paled in comparison to Ju-on, it was still definitely worth the time we took to watch it.
Now if only I could find a nice guy to sit and watch these movies with. I told Fawn that one of these days I'm going to force Gackt to sit and watch them with me. From what I understand however, he dislikes horror films. So, instead I've decided that Gackt should come over sometime and watch Final Fantasy 7: Advent's Children, since I've never seen it and am perfectly willing to watch it if given ample opportunity and someone to watch it with. Plus, from what I understand it is amazing. This coming from a woman (Fawn) who dislikes animated films. *shrug*
I think tomorrow I want to re-watch Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (a Korean film. Not so much horror as thriller and all around interesting movie) and maybe finally get to see Sympathy for Lady Vengeance. Or Pray... Pray, btw hasn't been working, so I hope to see it soon.
For those of you who are curious, no I haven't completely given up on American Movies. I am still passionately in love with old American Films. I just hate how everything seems to go immediately to sex now-a-days. I mean, do I need to have some random actress' boobs bouncing in my face? No, I don't. And whilst I appreciate the fact that people who "love each other" do often engage in Sexual Practices, I don't really want to see it in my movie. I want to see the action or the horror or the comedy or the drama I paid to see. Not some guy banging some chick. And, FYI people, sex does not = love!! So I wish Hollywood would stop portraying it that way. I enjoy Foreign Films because, depending on the country, I can get a lot of substance for my movie going experience.
Thats all for now, ladies and gents. Check out the above movies if you enjoy horror of any kind. *smiles wickedly*
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