Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Dawn of the Zombie Duckies!!!

Today was AWESOME!!!

Ryan arrived yesterday to visit me and, eventually, take me back to Indiana for my visit. We (Fawn, Ryan and I) went to the Shawnee Mall and had a whole bunch of fun.

The day included but was not limited to:
1. Zombie Duckies (HAHA!)
2. Giant Roosters
3. Massive amounts of laughter
4. My cleavage *blush*
5. 116 pictures of me (113 of which were uploading to a new photo folder)
6. Full body shots of me *sigh*
7. Taking pictures where we weren't allowed to (hee hee hee)
8. Massive amounts of fun with my friends!!

Unfortunately, Arlin was unable to join us in our fun festivities. Because his sugar was far to high. But tomorrow he will be with us. Because we have to go back for more shenanigans ("Well, I'm already pregnant. What more shenanigans can I get into?" Quote from Juno. Which was an awesome movie, btw. You should check it out!!). There will be more pictures taken tomorrow, but for now you should check out the ones I have posted from todays events in the new folder "Our Day Out".

Thats my update for the day. We really needed today, as most of you already know, its been a rough few months. Hopefully tomorrow will be just as awesome as today was.

Later lovies!!

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