Saturday, July 5, 2008

Been A While... (dA)

Journal Entry: Sat Jul 5, 2008, 12:19 AM
  • Mood: Emotional
  • Listening to: Panic at the Disco
  • Reading: The Exquisite Corpse
  • Watching: Ju-on: The Grudge 2
  • Playing: the "I wish I could tell him" game
  • Eating: A double cheeseburger
  • Drinking: Apple Manzana Soda
Okay, so it has definitely been a while since I wrote a journal... (16 days to be precise)

The pants have been laid aside for right now, because i need some things that I currently don't have... Like coloured sharpies...

I've been working on updating my poetry website ( you should check it out. *hint, hint*

Nothing new going on right now. I'm waiting for Sunday to roll around as that is when my friend will arrive from Indiana for his visit. Then on the 14th (or maybe a little sooner) we will make the trek back to IN. *sigh*

Thats all for now boys and girls. Keep smiling!! :D

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