- Mood:
- Listening to: Imogen Heap
- Reading: Queen of the Darkness
- Drinking: Water (AGAIN!)
I am slightly out of it due to so many familial problems. Found out yesterday that my parents are getting a divorce. Take that as you will, I am slightly in shock.
Further more, I can't help but feel like my step-father (aka: dad) is throwing away 15 years of being my father. Its as if the past 15 years have meant nothing, because now he won't even speak to me. On the advice of his attorney. Now, why am I telling you all this? because I don't how else to express my emotions. I can't even express it in poetry. And because i feel that even if I don't know you in person, you are all my friends if you take the time to read this. I was so touched by how my dA friends cared about my health problems when they commented on my last journal. And I want to thank you all for that. Besides that, as Blanche Dubois (Vivien Leigh) says in "A Streetcar Named Desire", "Whoever you are, I have always depended on the kindness of strangers."
Thank you for being my "strangers" and for all your kindness.
Attempting to move on to more joyful topics, I reposted my "Chapter I" because I did a lot of toying with it and I hope that everyone who read it before will re-read it so that you can have a better view of what i'm attempting to accomplish with it. Its not so much fantasy, I think, as it is philosophical. It attempts to define things that are undefinable and challenges your mind with oxymorons and improbabilities. Or at least, i hope that it does that for you as it does for me. I'm thinking of reposting my other story "The Mermaid" in shorter increments so that those of you who read my works can read it a chapter at a time instead of attempting to read it all at once... I plan on doing that shortly.
And I do believe that is the end of this journal. Any questions, suggestions or anything else you might wish to say to me you can leave in a comment if you so desire.
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