- Mood:
- Listening to: the darkness forming in my mind
- Reading: Queen of the Darkness
- Drinking: mountain lightning
Let me start out the evening for you.
I was on my computer, listening to music and talking to my friend on the phone when I noticed that my stomach was hurting. I thought, well maybe I just ate to much (we had pizza).
Progressively, it got worse. So my roommate (who has some medical training) began asking me a series of questions: where is the pain? how bad is it? what does it feel like? are you nauseous? and so on...
She said, "I think you have appendicitis." my reply you may ask?
"I can't have appendicitis!"
"Why?" she asks.
"Because I Don't Have INSURANCE!!"
to which she laughed and then said, that not having insurance was not going to stop me from having appendicitis.
So, to be sure, she called the Nurse's helpline. They concurred with her diagnosis and said that i should go to the hospital... I said, "no, lets wait a half-hour and then if it doesn't get better, we'll go." Needless to say, it didn't not take even more than 10 minutes before i was pleading with her to call the ambulance.
Now, the ambulance people arrive and they ask me if there is any possiblity that I am pregnant. I attempt to make a joke and reply, "No, don't you know? Virgins don't get pregnant." They didn't laugh. Then they attempted to put in an IV. First it was my hand (i have bad veins don'tcha know!), then while one guy was trying to get an IV in my right arm, the other guy was trying to get an IV in my left. They did not get any IV's started, because apparently my veins were MIA.
Get to the hospital and they put me in a room (13 to be exact). They have me give a urine sample and that is it. I am not hooked up to any machines, they don't take my blood or do any other tests then whatever they did to my urine sample. Then I sat (well, laid) in that room for 3 hours before a doctor finally came in. he askes me again, if I'm pregnant. To which I reply "Only if I'm the Virgin Mary." He laughed. he feels my stomach, askes a bunch of questions, then tells me that i have the beginnings of a UTI (urinary tract infection) and possibly a stomach virus. Then he tells me to go home. If i'm not better in the next 24 to 48 hours i should come back, if the pain gets more localized, i suddenly spike a fever or other such things...
Nurse comes in and says "Good news! You aren't pregnant! But you have a massive UTI and should drink plenty of fluids." then proceeds to tell me the fluids i should drink that the doctor just told me not to drink. And didn't he say, it was just the beginning of a UTI?!
Then we had to wait an hour in the waiting room trying to get a hold of someone to get us, because by now it is almost 4 in the morning. we've been there since 11:12pm. Needless to say, i'm rather unhappy with my treatment and hope that i never have to go back, because if it had been major appendicitis and i had ruptured you would not be reading this right now. Which would suck!!! My stomach still hurts like you wouldn't believe, but i don't think i want to go back... so, I won't. unless it gets so bad i can't stand it, i'm gonna stay home and sleep it off.
Lillie Out.
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