Thursday, October 2, 2008

American History X (dA)

Journal Entry: Thu Oct 2, 2008, 4:33 PM
  • Mood: Content
  • Listening to: No Good Deed from "Wicked"
  • Reading: American History X
  • Watching: My boyfriend play computer games
  • Playing: music
  • Eating: Ramen
  • Drinking: Mt. Dew
Hello to all those brave folk who watch me and my stuff.

New poem posted today. it's not that good, but I put it up anyway. It deserves to be seen... :shrug: Don't ask why.

Now, someone of you may be curious about my title. If you aren't, then you aren't paying enough attention!! lol...

American History X is a spoken word poem written by my lovely friend, DaYog. Here is the link:

Now go read. It is BRILLIANT! One of the best poems I've ever read by DaYog. While you are at DaYog's page ([link]) check out his other poetry. He is really good and deserves to have a bunch of people read his stuff.

So, this is a list of what you should do today:
1. Check out my latest poem
2. Check out "American History X"
3. Check out DaYog's page
4. Pick a random person to favorite. :D

Good luck folks!!

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