Saturday, October 18, 2008

1st Set of Updates for the OLYMPICS!!!

This is the first week of updates from the annual SEX OLYMPICS!!!

So far we have "The Virgin" Pomegranate in the lead. So far she has won
- The Tora-Whore Award for perfect form in taking the beloved guitarist of Alice Nine
- The Gold for Best Tongue Action for her time with Kai of the GazettE
- The Virgin Medal for her perfection in all categories with Ryo, the drummer of Girugamesh.

She is followed closely by Fawn "The Reigning Champion" who has so far won the
- Best hide-sex medal in her attempts to copy the beloved star.
- The Gold medal for Stamina after taking on the ENTIRE GazettE in ONE day.

And following in last is Sarai, winning the
- Silver medal for Stamina after taking on Girugamesh in one day.
- the Silver medal for Best Tongue Action with Nao of Alice Nine

Sarai seems to not be quite up to snuff this year after her vagina stubbing incident with Kamijo of Versailles -Philharmonic Quintet-. (THANK YOU SARAH SILVERMAN!!!) Maybe she can make it up in this next week of activities.

Stay tuned, because you know you want to!! *dances off stage*

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