- Mood:
- Listening to: Ra:IN and Pata. I admit to loving sparkly pants!
- Reading: Drawing Blood by Poppy Z. Brite
- Watching: My world deteriorate bit by bit
- Playing: the "I won't barf" game
- Eating: Cheesecake filling... (BAD ME!)
- Drinking: SODA!!
I'm actually writing this because I had some interesting bits of inspiration in the pants department! Today at the all to beautiful Wall of Marts, I discovered these adorable buttons... and some interestingly fun buttons... and bits of fabric that made me smile... and then realized just how PLAIN my jeans were. This sparked the lightbulb!!!
I will be spending tomorrow sewing various bits of fabric, buttons, beads and dragon coins onto my pants!!
Unfortunately, I could not find the kind of yarn I need to finish my scarf to send off to the Lovely Tora (of Alice 9), but when I return to The Land of Indians (Indiana) in July for the birth of my godson I fully intend to search there for the yarn. Since I originally got it in Indiana, I'm sure I can find it once again in Indiana.
Did I mention that I'm going to Indiana?!
This is a rather long journal, but I felt everyone deserved to know how excited I am to be a God-Mother, how happy I am to be able to experience all these different new things that are going on with me and how, no matter what may happen, I have some awesome friends who put up with my bullshit and stick with me no matter the cost.
On a somewhat sad note, due to the health of the drummer/pianist/lyricist of X-Japan, my concert may or not be canceled. I actually hope it is, cause I would rather He get better than try to entertain me. I care about his health more. Thats just me though, many fans are bitching because of it, but I'll be happy as long as he stays healthy. I prefer my heroes to be healthy!
And now I close with this last tidbit:
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