As a Libra, I have a tendency to want to keep the peace. This is very true in real life. I am not usually argumentative and will usually allow the other person to win, because I dislike arguing that much. Sarah Jo is a Virgo (just on the border of Libra, however). Unsurprisingly, Virgo didn't really fit Sarah Jo at all. Most horoscopes/zodiacs are generalizing behaviours. Or at least, most of the ones you find in magazines and so on.
This then led me to a link to Chinese Zodiac. Which I clicked. I remembered hearing somewhere along the line that I was born in the Year of the Dragon (1988). Thinking on this I decided to investigate it and see what Wikipedia said. I found that what I had heard was correct and that I had, indeed, been born in the Year of the Dragon. Also, I discovered that there were different classifications of each Zodiac sign.
According to Chinese Zodiac, there are 5 elements: Earth, Water, Wood, Fire and Metal. Each year is divided by the 12 Zodiac (in this order) Rat, Tiger, Dragon, Horse, Monkey, Dog, Ox, Rabbit, Snake, Sheep, Rooster and Pig/Boar. Apparently, each animal is given a different element for each differing year that they "Rule". My particular year happened to be the Year of the Earth Dragon.
Digging a little bit further into this I discovered that my Mother and I share Earth as our Ruling Element. My brother, Christopher, was born the Year of the Metal Horse and my sister, Hannah, was born the Year of the Fire Rat. Christopher has Metal in common with my biological Father, Derwin, who was born the Year of the Metal Tiger. He also holds Metal in common with my step-father, Wes, who was born the Year of the Metal Rat. The Year of the Rat being what Wes holds in common with Hannah.
Now this is the part where it gets interesting (in case you have already fallen asleep while reading this, I apologize. I found this to be incredibly facsinating and have actually spent the past 4 or so hours reading and researching this.), Wikipedia linked me to another page, one that gave me compatibility between the different Animals.
I discovered, through this site, that while Christopher should get along splendidly with my Biological father (apparently Tigers and Horses create the Ideal Match), He and Wes have "Unhappiness and strong animosities. Personality clashes and bitter rivalry in marriage and/or business relations. Highly incompatible". To me, this is so accurate that it isn't even funny. My brother and step-father's relationship has never been a happy one, they have always been butting heads. The one moment of happiness was when they first met, when Chris climbed into Wes' lap, put both chubby hands on either side of Wes' face and said "I love you Wesley". His first sentence spoken was in love to a man that He can't stand to be around anymore. This struck a sad chord inside me. (And yes, Christopher, I know you are going to kill me, I can see you sputtering and getting mad. Oh well!)
However, This doesn't explain Christopher and Hannah's relationship. Because besides some sibling squabbles I would say on the whole they get along fairly well. Especially when gaining up on me... Accurate on the one hand and inaccurate on the other.
Then there is me and mom. Mom was born the Year of the Earth Dog. And apparently Dogs and Dragons do not get along. Dragons feel that the Dog is to overprotective and watchful and they never quite see eye to eye. I found this to be facsinating only in the fact that my mother and I actually get along rather well. Though I will admit to feeling stifled when I was younger, I no longer feel this way and we haven't had a major disagreement in about 8 months.
As to how Dragons interact with Rats, apparently, they are the Ideal Match. Who knew. *Shrugs* Dragons and Tigers apparently don't get along so well, due to the fact that they both struggle to be the dominant personality. They can get along but not while struggling to dominance. The good news is, that being a libra means that I will bow down to the Tiger (My Bio-Dad) because I hate arguing or fighting. And Dragons and horses apparently do well together, because they can work toward common goals. Yay! I get along with my sister, my step-father (supposedly) and my brother. But I don't get along with my mom or my bio-dad. Inaccurate on the hand of my mother and my step-father. Quite the opposite. On the hand of my sister, my brother and my bio-dad, fairly accurate.
Now, just for the hell of it I figured out a few of my friends/readers. If you want me to figure your year out (and your name isn't on the list below) send me your Birthdate (month/day/year).
Here is what I got:
Sarah Jo = Wood Ox (1985)
Adam = Fire Snake (1977)
Fawn = Metal Monkey (1980)
Judes = Metal Monkey (1980)
Ryan = Earth Dragon (January 1989)
Kendra = Earth Snake (December1989)
Yo = Wood Snake (1965)
Gackt = Pig/Boar (Sorry, the year of Gackt's birth is a secret. So I can't tell you the Element or the year... Hey, don't gripe at me! I'm lucky I found out... *realizes she is talking to thin air and moves on*)
Miyavi/MYV/Mephistes = Metal Rooster (1981)
Bethany = Fire Rabbit (1987)
and because it is sooooooo obvious that I would have him on the list,
Wentworth Miller = Water Rat (1972)
For those of you who are still awake after reading all of that, and want to learn more about Chinese Astrology/Zodiac here is the Wikipedia link:
Bear in mind that Wikipedia can be inaccurate because it is written by "normal" people. If you don't like Wikipedia, feel free to Google / Yahoo / *insert random search engine here* Chinese Astrology.
Now, Ladies, Gents and *insert random reader here* I'm off. I have been typing this blog/checking the facts/re-reading my information for over an hour now. It is time to close my 100th Blog with:
(this previous bit of cuteness has been brought to you by hide [he-day]! ain't he so cute?! Previous said cuteness was created by the Fawn. please, do not use or reproduce said cuteness without express permission from said creator. Republicized here with permission from Fawn!)
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