Thursday, June 26, 2008

Forgot to...

Forgot to write this in my blog earlier, but yesterday (June 25th, 2008. Wednesday) the US Supreme Court ruled that execution of child rapists is "cruel and unusual punishment" and therefore is "unconstitutional".

Being someone who was, both, raped and molested as a child I am FOR the death penalty in the cases of child rapists.

It is cruel and unusual to rape a young child. To rape any child!! Therefore I see the Death Penalty as being very appropriate in this matter.

A few of my friends say that its better to let these "people" rot in jail/prison and possibly get raped themselves. Then they can understand how their victim felt. The Death Penalty is "letting them off the hook to easy".

I don't see it that way. Letting them off easy is allowing them to live semi-comfortably in jail/prison. They don't have to find jobs or worry about bills. They are fed, clothed and sheltered by OUR tax dollars!! We pay for them to Live in jail/prison. In the mean time, they get special privileges and so on, never having to take care of themselves or truly "pay" for what they've done.

Yeah, there is the possibility that they could get raped in jail/prison. But there is also the possibility that They are the ones raping.

Cruel and unusual punishment is allowing children all over America to have to endure these things and not even receive any justice.

On another note, I didn't get any sleep until shortly after 9am, where I drifted in and out of consciousness until about 12:45pm. It wasn't good sleep either. I was to nauseous for "good" sleep.

Fawn is sleeping currently. I was to out of it when she got home from the MRI to know how it went. But she is home, so she must be doing slightly better.

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