Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father’s Day

Father's Day 2008. What a father's day.

Nothing of major importance happening here. Spoke to my step-father yesterday, wished him a Happy Birthday/Happy Father's Day (since they fell on the same day this year). Definitely one of the more upsetting conversations I've had with him.

He told me, "you don't have to wait so long between phone calls" and I said "the telephone works both ways". Then he told me that he had lost my number, I told him that he should've asked my mother for it. I know he's been talking to her because they have to talk to schedule his visits with Hannah. So at any time he could've asked for my phone number. He said he'd been busy. He almost sounded guilty. There are a million ways to get my number, Nana has it, Carmen has it, Mom has it, Ivan has it... God, he could've called anyone really and gotten my number!!

He asked me about church, whether I had been going. I said no, cause I can't walk to one. He told me to call a church and that they will help me with a ride. That they have to help me with a ride, because thats what churches are there for. To help people. Looking back on past church experiences, That is BS. Churches are like any other business now-a-days. They are out to make a profit.

At any rate, I held my tongue, I did not curse him out or say anything that I wanted to say. He complained about Mom living in the apartment for free. Which pissed me off. I just don't understand him. At all! He makes me want to go on a killing spree!

Don't worry, I won't. I'm not Timur the Lame, so I'm not going to make a pyramid out male skulls. I still have faith in some mankind.

Now, I'm off, this father's day has sucked and I'm going to go and sew sparkles onto my pants and talk to my new friend Trent and mourn the fact that i have no Charlie Chan movies to watch. If you don't know who Charlie Chan is, its okay, it was before all of your times. No, not Charlie Chaplin, Charlie Chan...

Sparkly Pants are Still Awesome (And the Pata that wears them is Awesome too! ^^ )
That is All.

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