- Mood:
- Listening to: my breathing
- Reading: this tagged thingy
- Watching: the screen
- Playing: "i hate you, you hate me"
- Eating: absolutely nothing. And its delicious too.
- Drinking: I thirst only for poetry.
Now I will do the same, I guess... IDK. being rather new, i didn't even know this existed!
1. Post these rules.
2. Each tagged person should post 8 aleatory facts of themselves.
3. Tagged people should write a Journal\Blog about these facts.
4. In the end, tag and name 8 more people.
5. Go to their DA pages and comment saying that they are tagged and hugged.
So here are my facts now...
1. I hate candy corn
2. I love snakes!
3. I want to be a famous actress
4. I have an autographed photograph of Leonard Nimoy
5. I love reading
6. I love horses!
7. I have asthma
8. and I am very sarcastic.
These people are tagged...
~Pocketface [link]
*rudeboyskunk [link]
*karen5258 [link]
^hellfirediva [link]
~halloweenpumpkin [link]
~Syphon27 [link]
*elainedori [link]
~VisualKeiChic [link]
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