- Mood:
- Listening to: Sweeney Todd
- Eating: Chik Patties
- Drinking: Soda
2) Male/Female: Female, obviously
3) Were you named after anyone? Yes
4) Does your name mean anything? Stubborn, Princess
5) Nick Name(s): Sarah, Sara Belle, Sara Ha Ha
6) What do you think you look like name wise: First, I know what I like. And it is Breka (burr - e - ka) Aaron for a boy. And Troian Isolde for a Girl
7) Date Of Birth: 25 September
8) Place of Birth and Current Location: Stanford University Hospital Palo Alto California. Lothlorien, place of the elves.
9) Nationality: Caucasian
10) Astrology Sign: Libra
11) Chinese Astrology Sign: Dragon
12) what’s your favourite smell?! Roses and Gasoline (strange, I know)
13) Political Position? In the middle
14) What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Soda!!
15) Hair + Eye colour: Hair is back/brown. Eyes are black/brown, depending on my mood. Black if i'm pissed
16) Do you look like anyone famous? I look like an overweight version of Emmy Rossum. We have the same curly hair and same facial structure.
17) What do you look like? A Person
18) Any unusual talents? I can switch from accent to accent and then back to my normal without even thinking
19) Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous? Righty
20) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other? Straight as far as I know...
21) What do you do for a living? I clean houses for little old ladies
22) What do you do for fun? I write, I act, I photograph
23) What are your favourite art materials to work with? Pencil, Camera, Jewelry, Paper and my mind
24) What would you like to work with? Oils
25) Have you met your grandparents? Yes
26) Boyfriend: Non-Existent
27) Crush: Wentworth Miller and Gackt
28) What celebrity would you date if you could? Wentworth Miller!!! *faint*
29) Current worries? Moving, plays, my weight, my family
30) Favourite online Guy/Girl: Francesco (guy)/Fawny (girl) and I only have them as favs, cause they are online the most
31) Favourite place to be? The beach
32) Least favourite place to be? The doctor's office
33) Do you burn or tan? I burn, then tan
34) Ever break a bone? Yes
35) What is your favourite cereal? Golden Grahams
36) Person you cry with: IDK!!! How the hell am I supposed to pick someone to cry with?!
37) Any sisters: Several (5 to be exact)
38) Any brothers: Several (7 to be Exact)
39) Any pets: 2 cats
40) An Illness: Asthma
41) A Pager: NOPE!
42) A Personal phone line: Not anymore
43) A Cell phone: nope
44) A visible birthmark: Not unless I have a sleevless shirt on.
45) A Pool or hot tub: I live in an apartment complex. So neither
46) A Car: Nope
Describe Your...
47) Personality: Slightly depressed, uses laughter as a defense mechanism... I am openminded and willing to lend myself to anyone who needs me.
48) Driving: I don't
49) Your clothing style: depends. Today it is all black
50) Room: non-existent. I sleep on the couch in my 'rents living room.
51) What’s missing: Wentworth Miller, a bubble bath and chocolate
52) School: was HELL!
53) Bed: couch
54) Relationship with your parent(s): Decent
Do You
55) Believe in yourself: not often
56) Do you believe in love at first sight? Not anymore
57) Consider yourself a good listener: Yes
58) Have a future dream that you would like to share? Yes.
I want to be famous. Reatively soon.
59) Get along with your parents: usually
60) Save your e-mail conversations: yes
61) Pray: sometimes
62) Believe in reincarnation: no
63) Brush your teeth twice a day? nope. i forget.
64) Like to talk on the phone: Usually
65) Like to eat? Vegitarian food, yes
66) Like to exercise? Sometimes
67) Like to watch sports? Football and Basketball. Some Equestrian.
68) Sing in the car? Yes
69) What is a dream that you have all the time? Wentworth Being my lover... lol
70) Dream in colour? usually
71) Do you have nightmares? Everyday
72) Sleep with a stuffed animal: Used to.
73) Right next to you: the camera, empty pop cans... the phone.
74) On your favourite coffee cup? Monroe County Bank Symbol
75) On your mouse pad: Dell
76) your favourite flavour of gum? Wintergreen
77) Favourite deodorant? Suave
78) Your dream honeymoon spot: Ireland
79) Your dream husband/wife: Wentworth Miller
80) Hiding in your closet? NO ONE!
81) Under your bed:Nothing
82) The name of one of your closest/best friends? ADC and Sarah Jo
84) Your worst fear(s): being raped
85) What's the weather like: rainy/snowy
86) your favourite time of year? Fall
87) Your favourite holiday? Martin Luther King Jr. Day
88) A material weakness? Alcohol
89) The weirdest food or drink that you like: um, IDK
90) At the top of your "to-do list"? lose weight
91) The hardest thing about growing up: Growing Up
92) A pet peeve?: Bad drivers
93) Your scariest moment: Falling off of a horse and almost breaking my hip because of it
94) Your attitude about love? IT FREAKING SUCKS!!!
95) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex? I dressed provocatively. lol
96) The worst feeling in the world: Loneliness
97) The best feeling in the world: Being Loved
98) Who sent this to you? I stole it from Callibre
99) Tag 6 more people: NOPE!!! They can tag themselves!!
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